Missing You

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Philip had never gone back to the appartments last night. Larry and Sal had eventually been roped into a family game night with Lisa and forgot about the whole situation. It wasnt until Philip wasnt at school and Travis a nose splint and two black eyes at school that Larry and Sal remebered. 

"You ok Lar? Ever since Phelps walked in you've look horrifed." Ash said in art that day. Travis was sitting at the tall table in the corner of the room sketching diligently. Larry shook his head looking at his sketch with wide eyes. "So what's up?" Again Larry just shook his head.

"I don't know. A lot? Nothing? Something bad for sure, but i don't know what. Like its almost there but i cant quite remember you know?" Ash nodded. 

"I'm assuming thats why your sketch looks like a visual representation of a panic attack? Larry chuckled and nodded.

"Most definently." Then the two were trying to to laugh and distured to tranquel room.

Sal was in his algabra class when he realized Philip and Travis were both no where to be found. His stomatch seemed to leap around his insides until he felt his breakfast welling up to his throat. He raised his and and asked to leave then began to sprint towards the bathroom. Once his stomatch finished emptying itself he leaned agents the locked stall door his unclipped face in hand. 

"Hello? Are you in here Sally Face?" Sal heard a familier voice call out. He could have sworn it was Travis, but the voice was just so small. Loud? Yes, but small. If that even makes sense. Sal picked himself up and weakly clipped on the mask. He slumped the pack back in his pockets and walked outside the stall. It was Travis. In the flesh. His scar drenched bruise painted tan flesh. "Sal!" 

Travis had started to run towards Sal and snatch him up in his arms but slowed to a stop just infront of Sal. The blue haired boy's face was covered by a half clipped mask. Travis couldn't read him. 

"Travis? What happened to you?" Travis truely was drenched in bruises. Worse now than ever. Almost his whole face was purple and swollen. His nose was out of place, yet had no splint. His cheek bones were swollen and had some unblended make up on them. 

"Is it that obvious? I really did try to hide it! It just hurt when the sponge thing went on and I knew it looked rough but I didnt think-" Travis stopped when he heard a miserable, muffled laugh coming from the boy infront of him. "Sal?"

"Yeah- It looks like shit." Sal said. Finally Travis realized he was crying. Travis flinched once he relized.

"I'm sorry." Sal saw Travis's gaze slip down to the floor.

"What? why?"

"For everything. I just-"

"No i know. You never said you didnt care about me. You said we cant be together. I love you, however if us being together isn't safe then so be it. I'll do anything to help you. Even if it means losing you."

"Have you seen Philip today?"


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