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"C'mon Travis It's been months! Besides he and Phillip are together now. He's not into you, and Philip is your friend. He's been there for you longer than anyone else! It's his grandpas funeral service."

"I know It's just kind of weird. I'm not used to Connor being so polite." Travis said tightening his tie. 

"I know. And you aren't big on change. Trust me I'm aware. It's a respect thing." Sal said smoothing out the skirt of his black dress. Sal had on a temporary mask he got a while back for Mrs. Packertons funeral. Instead of his usual pink chunk he had a black part. 

"I love Philip. He's like a brother to me. I'm going to support him. I just don't know how they act together. I don't like that they are ALWAYS together."

"We're always together."

"I live with you. It's different."

"Right. Stop tightening that thing you're going to suffocate." Sal loosened the tie some and Travis sighed. "I know you're nervous. It's going to be ok." 

"Yeah. You're right. Thanks Sally." Travis said, leaning down and planting a kiss on the top of Sals head. 

The two were driven to the event by Lisa and dropped off. As the two walked up Sal nudged Travis.

"Maybe the next one will be your dads." Travis bit the inside of his cheek to keep from bursting into laughter. Sal just ended up with a light shove. The two walked into the building and saw Philip in a corner on the phone with someone. His brows were nit together with concern and he looked utterly mortified. Travis let go of Sals hand and made his way to him as Philip started to cry. He muttered a goodbye and thanks then hung up and erupted. Travis wrapped his arms around his friend and gently followed him as he melted to the floor.

"Hey- Phil whats up? Who was that?"

"My- Parents- they- they-"

"Hey shh.. It's ok. It's gonna be ok... what about them?" Phillip took a moment to breathe as best he could.

"They got- They were in a- a crash. Or thats what the- the cops think. They want me to identify them-"

"Hey shh I can do it if you want me too. I bassically lived with you for a few years." Philip nodded then burst into another round of horrible sobs. Three people at once. Travis just sat there and rocked him in his arms. Sal came over and hugged them both noticing Travis' tears. 

"Where's Connor?" Philip said moments later after collecting himself. As if he was summoned Connor came bursting into the lobby. 

"Woah woah Hun whats wrong?" He said getting the blue haired boy from Travis.

"You would know if you were here when he found out wouldn't you?" Travis said with a glare. Sal elbowed him.

"His parents might have gotten into a car crash and Travis is going to have to identify them because he cares about his best friend and doesn't want him to have to see his possibly dead parents." Sal stated more gently. Connors face dropped and he pulled Philip closer. 

Gentle Love (Sal x Travis Angst/Fluff Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now