Philip Pays a Visit: A Three Part Mini Novel

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Larrys door opened again and closed and Larry saw a mop if blue hair walk into the room. He heard short sniffling and a deep breath. Larry finally realized it was Philip, and he was... crying? Thats new. Philip was one of those kids who just seemed emotionally in tact and unavailable. Larry perked up. 

"Hey whats up?"

"It's- I- I was was walking my dog- I went past Travis' house and heard him screaming. I didn't know what to do- I knew Kenneth was bad but- I never could have immagined."

"Whats going on? Also why not go to sal about this? Why me?"

"So uhm I tried to go to Sal. His dad ushered me away when I mentioned Travis. I don't know what happened at school today but whatever it was it wasn't good for either of them."

"What do you mean?"

"Well I heard Travis apologize for- like crying or something over and over. His voice was choked with sobs. It- ...really sucked."

"Holy fuck nuckles-"


"Sorry Ma."

"Travis also skipped out on lunch and a ton of his classes. He wasn't in any classes with me other than 5th." Phillip said still in a volitile state of concern.

"Sal left after lunch. He was shouting about-"

"yeah i heard," Philips voice had become shockingly calm and steady as he continued, "You guys need to make up. I'll try and get Travis out of there tonight but i cant make any promises. If i can I'll keep him at my place. My parents won't mind. They like Travis. They also just kind of assume Kenneth let him over." Larry nodded and stood up. He had to fix what he and Todd started. Philip stood up Larry following along as they left his room. They made their way to the ground floor and went their seperate ways.

Larry climbed out of the elevator and to room 402. He knocked carefully. When he didn't get a response he knocked again. There was shuffling and clattering behind and the door. Larry had already began to mentally scold himself for getting so worked up over nothing. It wasn't a huge deal and Sal was the happiest Larry'd even seen. Finally Henry walked to the door and opened it. 

"Hello Larry."

"Hey Henry. Is Sal ok?"

"He'a in his room." Larry was taken back by the stench of beer pouring through Henry's breath. Larry thought he'd quit. he guessed not. Larry walked to Sals room and took a shallow breath before openeing the door.

"Hey man. You ok? I'm sorry about earlier this week." there was no reaponse. Larry walked closer to Sals bed. He sat down at the foot of the bed. "look. I understand if you never forgive me. I mean i was kind of a total duche to you. However i think theres something you might what to hear."

"hm?" Sal huffed from under his blanket. Larry managed to miss it.

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