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    "Jamie, you are really nice and i enjoy seeing you wednesdays and sundays-" the girl interrupted him. "Travis I don't actually want to be with you, my mother just needs me to get a catholic boyfriend and you are the most catholic boy in nockfell." Travis looked at her stunned. He knew he didn't like her but her reasoning for picking him just... pissed him off for some reason. He didn't know why. "Yeah uh give me one sec-" Travis closed the door and looked at sal. With a hushed wisper he asked, "what the hell do I do?" Sal looked at him. "Do you like her? Because is you do say sorry and that you can't. Being in a fake relationship with someone you love is harmful. If you dont like her say sure." Sal smiled under his prothsetic. Travis smiled back and whispered his thanks. He turned to the door and opened it. "Ya know what, sure! What harm could it do. It'll make my father happy aswell. May I ask why your mother wants you to be in a relationship so badly?" Travis said itching at one of his elbows. "She found out about my girlfriend and thinks breaking up with her and dating a guy will magically 'heal' me." Jamie said rolling her eyes. Travis was caught off guard. "I doubt that'll work-" Travis said. "It won't. My girlfriend already knows I was going to ask one of the guys from church to pretend to be my boyfriend and shes totally fine with it. She knows I'm 100% lesbian so."

    After they talked for a bit Jamie finally left. "She seems like she'll be a good friend." Sal said once Travis walked into his room. Sal had went back to his room after she told Travis about her sexuality. "I'm glad you didn't say some stupid homophobic shit." Travis rolled his eyes. "Well shes actually really polite. And I've known her for years. Besides it different. We both like the same gender and now I don't have to worry about her liking me." Larry and Sal looked at eachother than back at Travis. "Wait you both like the same gender?" Larry asked. Travis realized he had called himself out and panicked. "Yeah! We both like girls- thats what i meant dick weed!" Sal looked at travis with a chuckle. He could tell that wasn’t the truth but Larry seemed to buy it. "Can we just drop it?" Travis asked sitting back down on the floor. "Finee" Sal groaned.

    After a few hours of talking Travis rolled his eyes with a groan. "You alright blondie?" Larry asked. "Just hungry." He stated leaning agenst the wall. Gizmo, who Sal had let in after a few minutes of meowing and scratching, padded over to travis and layed in his lap. Travis petted the ginger cat as it purred and rubbed his head into Travis' palm. Sal looked down at Travis from his bed. He seemed so calm and loving. Sal had never seen Travis like this. He had never really bother to look at him anyways. He always tried to ignore Travis, but here Travis had his guard down. He was at piece. Sal finally got a good look at the blonde boy. His eye was finally healed and he was clearly an animal person. The looked calm but you could tell he was hungry. Sal noticed some black hair peeking through at the roots of Travis' hair. He wasnt sure why but he found that so appealing. He also loved Travis' face. His eyes and their amazing golden brown hue. His imperfect nose that fit his face like magic. And his lips. So thin but so soft looking. Sal almost wondered how it would feel to kiss Travis. He almost wanted to. His thoughts were cut off by Larry."Im ordering pizza again." Larry said pulling put his phone. "Sounds good Larry Face" Travis just nodded not caring what they ate anymore.

    They listened to some less aggressive music and at one point Travis revealed his secret playlist. "Im shocked." Sal teased after looking at all the songs. "Why?" Travis asked. "There's no jesus songs." Travis scoffed. "I don't like cristian music." Travis stated. Larry and Sal's jaws dropped. "You, Travis Phelps, number one catholic in nockfell, doesn't like cristian music?" Larry asked. "No I don't. Can we just play my playlist?"

"Fine. But only because it had msi"

"You listen to msi!?" Larry exclaimed.

"Yeah- Witness ans Faggot."

    "Now im upset that your not gay." Sal said joking for the most part. He notice how big Travis' eyes got as he looked down towards the floor. He noticed the tan skin around his face melted into a warmer pink or red tone. Larry wheezed until Travis finally calmed down from his gay panic. "I mean-" Travis started. Sal and Larry laughed. "Damn rapunzel- i had no clue you were funny-" Travis forced a chuckle. He wasn't joking but he was also glad no one knew that other than him. As the playlist continued to play Larry and Sal started to get an idea. I mean, tons of McCafferty, The Front Bottoms, and Ricky Montgomery. I mean he had Trees I and II on there! After trees I played Sal looked at Travis. "Hey Travis, can I talk to you?" Travis looked up from Gizmo. "Hm? Why?" "Just real quick in the hall." Travis nodded and stood up. He walked out of the room and Sal followed. "So. I need to ask you something. I need to know the full truth and nothing but the truth." Travis nodded. "Are you gay Travis?" Travis looked at Sal. His eyes shined with worry. He knew Sal could tell and he knew Sal knew he was madly in love with the blue haired boy and his stupid porcelain face. Travis melting im his shattered bubble wanted to go home. He wanted to run back to his home. He was being gay. He wanted to run back to his house and let his father beat him to death. He was being a faggot. He wanted to punch himself. He could feel his heart racing. His chest was tight and he couldn't breath. He didn't want to be here anymore, but he never wanted to go near the Phelps Ministry for the rest of his life. He was done with mass. He was done with the strange flirting his father did with a girl who was probably only a year older than Travis. He was done with the constant repenting. He was done with the constant fear of going to hell. He was tired of the beating. He was tired of everything. But most of all, he was tired or lying. However today he lied again. He wasn't going to tell Sally Face hes a queer. No way! "N-no" he struggled to get out. His whole body was aching now. His entire body hurt so bad. He couldn't breathe. Then there was a nock on the door. Sal opened the door and gasped. Travis looked at him with horror. It was his dad. It had to be his dad. There was no way it wasnt. His father had gotten back early and wanted his son back. Travis quietly snuck back into Sal's room. He sighed in relief once the door closed. After a few minutes he heard the door slam. Then Sal walked in with the pizza. "He got here earlier than I expected it too."


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