The Morning After

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The next morning Sal hadn't woken up by the time Larry left for school. Lisa stopped Larry at their appartment door.

"Aren't you going to wake up Sal?"


"Why not?"

"He's- It'a just- He's choosing Travis over us. I bet Travis got back to him safe and sound and they can walk to school on their own." 

"Ok. Just try and make amends. If not for you two for me."


And thats how that went. Eventually Lisa went up to check on Sal and found he had never woken up. She gently shook the 16 year old with a false grin.

"You slept right through 3 classes hon." Sal woke up and stared at Lisa his vision forming slowly.

"Travis? Oh I thought you would never come back. I'm so glad you-" Sal's vision focused. It was not Travis. Sal nearly cried right then but instead his smile simply faltered then returned. "Sorry Lisa. Didn't realize it was you." He said with a gentle smile. Despite his deformity his face was inceadibly easy to read. Lisa knew he wasn't doing well. He was hurting. Travis had never came back. He had to be in danger. Lisa and Sal both knew he wasn't safe. 

"You have to go to school. The only rational way to know if he's with Kenneth is to see if he's at school and what his contition is." Sal simply nodded and pulled himself out of his bed. He grabbed his meds and took the prescibed amount as Lisa left. He then took his mask and clasped it on gently. As he went through his rutine withought thought he kept one immage in his mind. The scars on Travis's body. What that man had done to his son. It made him need to find Travis even more.

Eventually Lisa and Sal arrived at Nockfell High-School. Sal got out of the car and went to the office. Once he found out they were in 4th period he rushed to what was Mrs. Packerton's class. He opened the door and got to his seat just in time. He quickly looked at Travis's seat. He was there. He had his cheek rested on the heel of his hand and his chest rose and fell peacfully. Sal was relieved to see him, however that relief was cut short by a deeper sense of dread. Travis was at school, but he had to be with his dad. Travis wouldn't just run away. 

As soon as class ended Sal rushed up behind Travis and tapped his shoulder. Travis spun around. He locked eyes with Sal and his face melted from fear, to gentle love, to anger within 5 seconds maximum. Sal turned his head with comfusion. 

"Follow me." Travis wispered. Sal opened his mouth to ask Travis why but he was already dashing towards the court yard. Sal followed him briskley. Travis lead him outside and sat Sal down on a bench. "I'm sorry Sally." 


"I- I can't be with you."


"It's wrong- I- We can't- this- us. It can't work."

Gentle Love (Sal x Travis Angst/Fluff Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now