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"I love you too Sal Fisher."

That was a week ago. Now Travis and Sal are officially dating. Travis wants to keep it on the down low and not tell anyone. Of course Sal is fine with that. 

Today during a usual make out shesh while titanic played in the background Henry had came walking back inside the apartment. Travis had never actually seen Sal's father until now and unfortunetly this was quite a rocky introduction. 

"Woah- didn't know this is what i was paying rent for you to do Sally." Henry said walking into the kitchen.

Sal and Travis ripped away from eachother and stood up flattening out their hair and trying to make it seem like they hadn't been doing what Henry saw them doing. 

"Ok- Dad please promise you wont tell anyone! Travis' dad isn't the best- I mean I dont know everything, but like he just cant know and Travis isn't comfortable and-" Sal had started rambling pacing around the kitchen half avoiding his own dad. 

"Don't worry kid- I wasnt planning on it. It's not like i like kenneth anyways. Even if your making out with his son I wouldn't even think to willingly utter a word to that horrid man." Travis started laughing and the two blue haired boys looked over at him. He stopped the moment he realized they were looking.

"Sorry- I don't like him much either." Travis said Walking into Sal's room. The Fishers kept talking in the kitchen while Travis dug through the closet. He found Sals pride flags and some thumbtacks. He decided to hang them up for his boyfriend. 

Travis scanned the walls for where the flags were previously. once he found the small holes he hung up the flags. Shortly after he finished Sal entered the room and stared in awe. He looked at Travis smiling. Sal would later say Travis' tan skin would glow with every real smile he ever gave. Travis pointed to the rainbow flag and chuckled. 

"Hey Sal look- It's me!" Sal hugged Travis. Even though it was ment to be humorous Travis actually said it. He admitted to being gay. It made Sal so unbelievably happy. Sal realized this was the happiest he'd been since his mom died. 

"Sal, I want to tell Larry. Just him and Lisa though. I mean Henry knowing didnt make me insanely uncomfortable, and I think I'm ready." Travis hadn't stopped smiling. 

"Of course! Let me get my mask on and we can go." Sal rushed to his dresser and clipped on his mask. The two raced to the elevator and then argued over who got to press the button. They ended up agreeing on Sal inserting the keycard and Travis pushing the button. 

The walked into Larry's appartment and Sal called a family meeting. once Larry and Lisa were sat on the couch Sal and Travis stood infront of the coffee table. 

"Alright Salio whats the dealio?"

"Well Travis wanted to telk you both something thats very important to the both of us!" Sal said unclipping his mask.

"Woah Sal! Has he seen?" Larry asked concerned.

Gentle Love (Sal x Travis Angst/Fluff Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now