Out of the Loop

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"Thank you guys. it means alot." Travis said with a glowing smile as tears started to pour. 

Travis had been out to Larry, Henry, and Lisa for three days. He was starting to hang out with the gang at school and was willing to group up with them in any group assignment he could. He was enjoying being himself. He was enjoying having friends.

Eventually Sal and Larry helped Travis come out to Ash, then Todd and Niel, and finally Chug and Maple. Of course all they did was Tell them about Travis and Sals relationship. After about a month of dating they stopped trying to hide their relationship. They would hold hands in the halls and kiss eachother on the cheek before they split through the halls for their class. This obviously drew some attention. The first day since they had stopped hiding their relationship a certain cold sore that doesn't seem to go away wanted to stir up some drama and make their lives a living hell.

Sal was washing his hands in the boys bathroom at lunch when Connor walked in. He stood by the trashcan looking honestly more dishiveled than normal. Sal saw him in the mirror and turned around more confused than concerned. He look in the visibly upset boy before him before sighing.

"What's wrong with you Connor?" He asked. Sal was prepared for him to bust out with some bullshit about him and Travis. Connor knew Sal didn't trust him, and for good reason too.

"Is it real? are you and Travis a thing?" Sal rolled his eyes and went to dry his hands. He didn't want to deal with this but it was to late. he had already invited Connor to dump out any shit he wanted. 

"Yes, why?"

"God damn it." Connor said his voiced breaking and trembling. Sal thought he would actually cry.

Meanwhile with Travis and the gang. Travis was checking his phone over and over again. Ashley looked at him as he did so. "Sal not texting you?" She asked. "Well- yeah but- I dont know. something feels off. hes been gone for a while." Travis glared at his screen and finally it lit up. It was from Sal.


Hey Trav, meet me in the bathroom. I need to talk to you. 


Yeah of course! be there asap!

Travis ran into the bathroom withought a word. He locked eyes with an irratated Sally Face. Connor was hovering above him. Sals mask was only half clipped due to him actually trying to drink the juice box Larry had given him. Travis opened his mouth to talk but stopped when Connor reached toward Sal mask. Connor lifted it above Sals lips his eyes closed and kissed Sal. Travis felt his blood begin to boil. That was the boy he faught agenst his own moral compas for. The boy he ran away from home for. Once the shock subsided Sal shoved Connor and slapped him in the face. Sal re adjusted his mask and clipped the bottom clasp. He looked at Travis and smiled. 

"So what up with you Connor? You kiss a dude after he takes a piss? What did you hope you could get some of my piss? you got some kind of piss kink?? huh? huh?" Sal said with a snarky tone. Travis snorted and joined in.

"Always beating the shit out if me after i take a piss. Sounds kinda kinky~" 

Gentle Love (Sal x Travis Angst/Fluff Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now