Welcom Back Fuckass

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Today Travis woke up to the sound of Sal rushing around the house impossibly loud. He naturally peaked his head out of the bedroom door and saw Sal in the kitchen his mask lifted just above his mouth holding a mug and a metal sugar scoop. He stepped back into the room he woke up in and turned around.

woah this was not Henry's room. suddenly and sharply Travis remembered the events of the previous night. he felt his heart skip atleast 7 beats and butterflies having a damn stroke in his stomach before a large gross slimey hand of guilt took out all of the butterflies and made his heart Jumpstart all in one foul sweep he looked around. the walls had posters for bands and movies. his bed was small but apparently cozy.

Travis looked at the little alarm block on the dresser towards the foot of Sally's bed. 6:48 am. Jesus Sal. why are you up so early? Travis asked himself. just then Sal walked in. his mask was now fully clasped around his head and his hair was in the usually pig tails.

"Travis, babe you need to get ready. Larry said he'd drive us to school." Sal said. Travis's eyes flew open at the nickname. "Babe-?" he asked his face turned a bright shade of red. the epileptic butterflies had made their way back into his stomach.

"oh- uh I just thought- because last night- I mean I just kind of assumed we were like a thing now- sorry."

Travis seemed to forget how to breathe. Him and Sal? together? in a gay way? no no he couldn't. he shouldn't! but oh how he wanted to.

"no uhm- I-I guess that's fine or whatever." Travis mumbled. The stroking and strobing butterflys were all over his stomatch. Sal sat down on the bed beside Travis. He gently ran his fingers through Travis's unruly blonde hair. hsi brown roots were getting far to long. Travis couldn't help the smile that erupted across his face. After all this was the most gentle love Travis had ever experienced.

"Alright hon, you need to get up." Sal said pressing his mask to Travis's cheek. Travis felt a hot blush crawl painfully fast. Sal chuckled. "I'll be in the kitchen packing out lunches."

"since when do you take lunch?"

"Since i found out what's in the bologna." Sal answered with a sigh. Travis shrugged and opened the closet he has recently stored his clothes. he grabbed a black sweater of his and some jeans. Just before he went to close the door his eyes locked on a folded up piece of fabric. he grabbed it gently before unfolding it.

"Huh, a pride flag." He stated quietly. He folded the Bi flag up and then tucked it back into its place. He stepped outside of Sal's room after changing and wrapped his arm around the smaller boy.

"Morning Sally."

"You ready Travis?" Travis looked down into the eye holes of the others mask. he hesitanyly forced a smile and nodded. Sal's eyes crinkled.

"I'd kill to see your smile." Travis said more to himself than to Sal.

"No need for that! I'll show you as soon as I'm ready, I promise!" Sal said flinging his arms around the blonde. Travis wrapped his arms around Sal in return and swept him off his feet. Literally. Sal yelped in surprise the started laughing.

"Travis! We need to go- Larry's waiting" Sal said through giggles and wheezes. Travis sighed dramaticly and walked out of the apartment Sal still wrapped around his abdomin.

By the time the reached the Elevator Sal had been put down. He quickly pushed the lobby button and they waited in comfortable silence. the doors open sloely and the two of them walked out of the elevator hands clasped. When Travis heard Larry's voice from down the hall he ripped his hand away in a minor panic. Sally Face looked up at his nervous partner and smiled understandingly behind his replacement face.

"Thank's Mr. Addison! I'll make sure to help out after school." Larry said before the mail slot shut. Larry turned to see Sal and Travis standing next to one another rather uncomfortably.

"Sooo, we should get going. Sal you want shotgun?" Larry asked to which Sal nodded. Travis Smiled softly and walked out to the front parkinglot. The three climbed into Larry's mini-van.


"Hey look the fag patrol is back!" yelled a student the moment Travis walked in next to philip. Once he arrived with Sal and Larry he rush to find some form of familiarity. Philip had seemed pleasently suprised to see Travis wanting to hang out with him after not talking for so long.

"Fuck off Connor! You know projection isn't a cute look on you." Philip said not Batting an eye at the tall football jock.

"What the hell does that even mean?" Connor Driscol said genuinley confused. Travis glanced over there and saw one if his friends whisper into his ear. And with great spontaneity Connor began to storm towards the two. Travis looked at Philip horrified.

"Alright, looks like we're running again. Fuck I didnt miss this." Travis said as Philip started to sprint towards the lunch room. Travis Shook his head and started off on the memorized path he would always have to run. In the mornings there was always atleast one adult to stop Connor and his goons from beating the fuck out of him and his friend.


Finally the bell rang out. Finally it was the end of the day. Sal had texted Travis almost right before the bell rang telling him to meet up with him in the janators closet. Travis walked into the closet nervously. The light clicked on and There stood Sal. Sal in all of his glory.

He had his usual pants and grey sweatshirt. His har was pulled up into pigtails and where his mask should have been there was his face. his real face. his torn and scared and fractured and beutiful face. His amazing fucking Face. Travis Smiled brightly and picked Sal up. He kissed every part of Sals face he could before he realized Sal was crying.

Travis sat Sally Face down and looked at him concerned. He saw a amazing smile. a smile that could light up and entire contenent if enough people were around and willing to look. But tears were strwaming down his face like waterfalls.

"Sally- Are you ok? I'm sorry- If you ment to put the mask back on- I'm so sorry! I'm sorry-"

"No- I meant to show you. I just didnt expect this reaction. It means alot Trav. I love you so much Travis."

Travis almost started crying at this point. Oh how he missed being told he was loved. His mother would always assure that he was loved even in the worsr of times. even before she died. Her screaming through the pain about how she loved him dearly. About how amazing he was no matter what. About everything he hated that she loved. He was crying now. no doubt about it. He was crying all right.

"I love you too Sal Fisher."


hey -Author

Gentle Love (Sal x Travis Angst/Fluff Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now