Team Bonding

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After a few weeks of staying with Sal Travis and the gang had started really getting along. Larry and him would shoot light hearted insults at eachother frequently and ever so slightly rude nicknames even more often. Infact they hardly ever called each other by name. Travis had gotten more comfortable joking with them. One time while Larry was hanging out with Travis and Sal in Sal's appartment Larry asked if Travis wanted pizza. The conversation went like this; "Hey blondie locks, want kind of pizza do you like?" "I've never had pizza-" "what!?" Larry said shocked. Sals eye shined in disbelief and Travis could tell his jaw had dropped. "Your trying peparoni, everyone liked peparoni." "Well daddy issues, I can't. My father would kill me if he found out I had this unhealthy shit." "You're calling me daddy issues when your church daddy doesn't let you have friends nor eat pizza." Larry looked at sal who rolled his eyes and flicked a quarter at him. "Hell yeah." Travis covered his mouth and chuckled. "You are trying pizza." Travis rolled his eyes and agreed.

After about 15 minutes of talking Larry brought up Travis' almost completely healed black eye. "You never told us how you got that shiner." Travis paused trying to think of an excuse. "Oh- yeah. Uh- It's from baseball. I got in a fight with a team mate then kicked off the team." Neither Sal or Larry believed this. "Then why doesn't it heal?" Travis was visibly cought off guard by that. "I'm a clumsy person." Sal looked at Travis sympatheticly. He sat down next to Travis on the couch and hugged him. Travis panicked and shoved Sal. "Fuck off f-" he paused. "Freak." Travis spat standing up. He went into the elevator and down to the basement.

He rushed into Larry's appartment and locked himself in the bathroom. He sat agenst the wall. He curled in a ball and sobbed silently. He didn't mean to, but he also didn't not mean to. God he was so mad at himself. His stitches needed to come off soon but he didn't want Lisa to know he was covered in stitches. In the middle of his aggravated panick he started ripping his stitches out. He didnt realise he was doing it until the blue sweatshirt he was wearing started turning red. He looked down and whispered. "Shit shit shit! What do I do!?" He jumped up and walked to the door. "Did you see Travis?" He heard Larry say in a pissed off tone. He opened the door anywyas. He walked outside and saw Lisa and Larry stare at him terrified. "Oh my gosh- Travis are you ok!?" Lisa asked rushing to his side. "Holy fuck nuckles..." Larry said trailing off. "Language." Travis stared at Lisa blankly tears clinging to his cheeks. "I'm fine?" Lisa rushed Travis into her car. Larry called Sal as he followed. "Sal get down to the lobby as fast as you can. We're taking travis to the hospital. "Wha-" Larry hung up and rushed to the elevator. Quickly after Sal showed up on the first floor. Larry ran him to the car and they all went to the hospital. "Travis are you ok?" Sal said looking at the bleeding boy beside him. He was hunched over his hands clasped together. He seemed to be mumbling. "Are you fucking serious Travis!?" Larry said glaring into the back seat. "Larebear! Language!" Lisa said glancing at the passengers seat. "Sorry mom- it's just hes praying! Freaking praying!"

"Larry! He's religious! That's how he lives!" Sal looked at the two noticing Travis' jolts everytime one would get louder. "Guys! Stop yelling please. Lets just try and get Travis help." Larry nodded. Lisa didn't make any visible or audible way of answering. She instead looked straight ahead and drove to the hospital. Once they got in Travis was rushed into a room whilw the others sat in the waiting room.

After what seemed to be hours a doctor walked up to the group. Lisa stood up. "Ma'am he will be fine. I'm afraid he tore open a ton of stitches we gave him weeks ago and we had to re stitch them." Lisa nodded. "He lost a ton of blood but he will be ok. We need to stay here today." Lisa nodded. Sal looked up at the doctor his blank faced prothsetic looked straight ahead. Larry was sitting in the chair next to him with headphones on. Sal could hear faint metal music playing as Larry head banged gently. "I'm glad he'll be ok." Lisa said. "Sorry, if you don't mind me asking, why were you watching Mr. Phelps' son?" The doctor asked. Lisa smiled. "While my friends husband is out of town he agreed to let me watch over him." The doctor nodded. "He's currently still asleep, however, you cant go in there and talk to him once he wakes up. He might be a bit stired up but he'll be ok." Lisa shook the doctors hand and thanked him. The doctor turned to leave and Lisa turned to the two boys and told them what the doctor said. Sal stood up as soon as she said the room number and left. Larry looked at him and sighed. Lisa and Larry followed the blue haired boy until the reached the room.

Travis was laying in the bed looking peacful. His arms were outside of the blanket and down straight by his side. In his left arm an IV was stabbed into his arm and blood was dripping into his room. Stitches covered his arms and collar bone. Sal frowned at the sight. "Oh god Travis." Larry walked in and gasped. "He kind of looks like he had the same injury as you Sal-" Sal looked at larry with more of a death glare. Lisa looked at Sal. "What?" Sal chuckled. "Nothing! Don't worry about it Lisa!" "Worry about what?" Sal jumped as a sleepy voice pooled out from behind him.

"Oh shi- hey Travis!" Sal said turning around and smiling. "I would hug you but I don't want to mess anything up." Travis smiling weakly. "I like your smile sal." Sal's face turned red under the mask. He had forgotten Travis could tell when he smiled. "Yeah- uhm thanks!" Larry glanced at travis and rolled his eyes. He didn't hate Travis but complementing Sal's smile was his thing.

(Ah yes another chapter! Im surprised with how long it took to write this. I promise the first chapter of the shinkami fic will be out before the end of next month! I love everyone who reads my stories so thank you so much! Word count 1,117) -Adi

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