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Travis was lying down on the couch tonight. He woke up and managed to slip away from the sleeping blue haired person who was beside him. Now he lay staring at the ceiling. The smell of lavender that had become so very familiar over the last few months flooded around the silent room like normal. It was dark and honestly peaceful. He was thoroughly enjoying the quiet as it allowed him to think and sort out his situation for about an hour before his mind started to turn towards a more heavy topic, or perhaps it just dug up a memory he thought he had lost.


"Get back here you little shit!" Travis heard as he ran up the stairs. "Kenneth, all he did was miss a few questions, there's no reason to yell." His mother said from downstairs. Travis froze. Today was not the day. God Today was the worst day for her to do this. Today was a bad day. Even the slightest heavy breath would set him off. She said it so firmly. "Listen here you little whore, I will discipline my son however I'd like." Travis flinched at the slur in his voice. "Please forgive her father." He whispered almost silently standing at the foot of the stairs. "Our son Kenneth. You are ruining his life! There is absolutely no reason to hurt him for making a B on a test. At Least he's doing better than you in high-school." Travis opened his mouth to defend his mother but nothing came out as he watched his father walk over to her. He gulped. Travis wanted to close his eyes so badly but was frozen in horror. If only he knew how bad this really was.

Travis finally managed to rush back up the stairs quietly. He closed his door and scurried under his bed. He covered his mouth as he cried as quiet as he could. He rolled onto his back coughing and wheezing. God he couldn't breathe. Someone please! Someone save us, save her! Dear god please save mother. She can't be gone. Please father, please tell me you didn't kill her. He thought while he sobbed. He quickly prayed for his mothers forgiveness and safety before crying into the pillow he had under his bed. God he needed help. Every time he close his eyes he saw her. He saw Kenneth. The blood. The gore. The screams. He nearly threw up just thinking about it. He wanted to run away but he had nowhere to go. He never ever would, because he had no friends and never would.


Now Travis was crying. He didn't notice he was until a familiar tired voice croaked out a simple, "Travis are you OK?" He sat up and looked at the short blue haired boy that stood at the door prosthetic clipped lazily around his head. Travis, rubbing the tears that clung to his cheeks, smiled tiredly. "Yeah, just thinking." Sal sat down beside the blonde. "About what?" Travis hesitated. "Just family stuff." Sal looked down. "I'm sorry about your dad." Travis rolled his eyes tensing at the mention of his father. "Don't be. I wasn't thinking about him anyways." Sal cocked his head. "If you don't mind my asking, who were you thinking of?" Travis bit the inside of his cheeks. "My- my mother." Sal took a sharp breath. "I'm sorry Travis." Travis shook his head. "Don't be sorry for me Sally Face." Sal noticed the way he said me more importantly than everything else and something about it made his stomach turn, and not in a good way. "There's plenty of people who deserve your pity more that me."

Sal didn't know why but that left a sour taste in his mouth. it was horrible. he never realized how little self worth Travis had. Sal felt bad for him. he really did, and Travis could feel it. for some reason it didn't anger Travis. instead Travis gently lifted the bottom of the half clipped porcelain face and placed a gentle kiss upon the blue haired's lips. Sal was frozen in pure shock, his brain comprehending the event impossibly slow. Travis looked down to his feet frightened and ashamed. he heard a click and closed his eyes waiting for Sal to slap him or something, however it did not come. instead a gently hand lifting his head up. "don't open your eyes for now." Sal whispered before kissing Travis gently, to which Travis kissed back. after a brief moment Sal pulled away and re-clasped his mask half way. Travis opened his eyes slowly half hoping he hadn't just done that with a boy and... well... enjoying kissing that boy.

"Ready for bed?"

"Yeah- thank you Sal."

           AGHHH 1K READS THANK YOU SO MUCH! I'm sorry i've been gone for a while but im working on a HUGE update for heterochromia sooo be excited!! have this shorter update and prepare for another wait on this story. have great gay day and if its night sleep soon bye!! word count: 836 -Author

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