Hanging out/Bombshell (Reprise)

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"I love you too Trav."

Sal and Travis ended up falling asleep on the couch watching greys. Origanlly it was Fernsic files but after Travis got to creeped out they turned it off. Sal was curled up on Travis' chest his mask on the coffee table. They only woke up because Larry and Ash had come rushing into the apartment. 

"Sal Sal Sal!" Larry hollered.

"Wha- Is someting wrong?" Sal said groggily.

"No! Something is super awesome!"


"New Sanitys Fall single just dropped!"

"Shit really!?" Sal said pushing himaelf off the couch and accidently pushing on Travis' chest. Travis let out a pained groan his eyes flying open.

"Yeah! Wanna come listen to it with me?"

"Hell yeah!"

"Sal- What's- What's going on-?" Travis said between gasps.

"Oh fuck- Blodie? Omg you're my Idol."

"What the hell Johnson?"

"Call me; it's a good song. I love it. Great work, but don't you think it's a bit over rated?"

"Oh fuck you"

"Still as sharp as ever." Larry said giggling.

"Fuck off wanna-be emo Jesus."

"Speaking of!! Travis you remeber Sanitys Fall?"

"The death metal band?"

"Heavy metal, but yeah. They released a new single and me and Sal were gonna go listen to it if you wanna come with?"

"Sure." And with that the three of them started on their treck to the elevator. Sal held his face to his torn up one and once they made it into Larrys apartment he hung it on the hook they had camand stripped to the wall just for Sal. Sal almost never wore his mask around his family. Only his dad sometimes. Travis sat on the floor leaned agenst the bed, Larry moved to his sound system to set up the new album, and Sal followed Larry excitedly. Travis deffinently did not miss the smell of weed that plauged Larrys room.

The music started more abrupt than most other songs Travis had heard and it made him jump. Sal and Larry didnt notice as both were staring at the massive cd player. The two looked at eachother. Travis swore from the angle he was at he could see stars in Sals eyes and he smiled. Sal and Larry started head banging and Travis leaned his head agenst the bed. He closed his eyes and tapped along to the drums. Thats what he liked about metal. The drums. Larry had made a joke about starting a metal band at school one day. Sal played guitar, Larry would be lead vocals, and Travis would cover drums. Travis wasn't opposed but Ash shut it down saying Larry would ruin his vocal chords. As if all the cigrettes didnt do that already. 

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