Who Is This?

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"Hiya Travis! Sally face has told me a whole whole bunch about you!" Megan said after Sal introduced his boyfriend. "You make Sally Face very happy you know! He loves you very much! He said he wants to-" 

"Woah megan! Thats enough of that!" Sal said quickly. Travis looked over at Sal with the most smug grin. Sal looked at him his blush turning his pale ears bright pink. He looked Travis up and down then scoffed. "Oh whipe that shit eating grin off of your stupid face." Sal said with a giggle. Travis gasped and threw his hands to his chest.

"Wow! using such languge infront of a child! I can't believe you Sally Face!" Travis smirked again and kissed the cheek of Sals mask. Megan was giggling but faked a gag at the kiss. Sal and Travis were ok. No. Sal and Travis were happy. They were glad not just to be together but to have eachother. Travis didn't know if he'd ever been this happy for this long. usually his seritonin was short lived and once the happy brain chemicals disappered he would scold himself for being so unreasonable, But not now. Travis would go on to say this was the happiest he would ever be because as we all know, all good things must come to an end even if we dont want them to.


The phone to Lisa's appartment rang late that night. It was nearly may which meant the end of the school year. It ment complete fredom to go where ever he could with Sal. He could really have his first summer. Lisa had woken to the phone going off. She answered the unknown number with a yawn.

"Addison Appartments, this is Lisa Johnson speaking. How may I help you?"

"It is to my understanding you have been housing Travis Phelps for the last several months. Is that correct?"

"Yes it is. Who is this?"

"This is Micheal. I'm A friend of Travis' dad. You see Travis is dating my daughter, and she hasn't been able to reach the boy. If you could call this number back, or give him the phone I would appriciate it."

"Oh well, He's asleep right now, but I can go get him." Lisa was confused. Travis was dating Sal? Sal wanted to spend the rest of his life with Travis and ofcourse Travis wanted the same. Right?

Lisa put the caller on hold and went up to Sal's appartment. She walked uo to the 402 door and listened before she nocked. She heard some muffled voices, but far to many yo just be Sal and Travis. She knocked twice and heard a click. The voices stopped. Someone was watching tv. The door rattled as the chain lock was taken down and the door opened slowly. It was Travis, His face was as pale as his dark skin could really be and tense. Once he realized it was Lisa he visibly relaxed. 

"Oh hey Lisa. What's wrong?"

"You have a call waiting downstairs." Lisa's voice was calm and distant. Travis felt his stomatch flip and contort in his body. He was going to be sick. He could feel it. It had to be his father. Or someone from the church coming to collect him take him as a host faster than Travis was ready for. God he need to calm down, but what if he did die. What if the cult kills him and turns him into fried Travis, or grind him into taco meet, or chop him up and boil him, or simply just sacrifice him to the thing. The demon. The red eyed demon they warshiped. The devourer. Gods true match. The darkness. The shadow that went by more names than Travis knew. He felt sick just thinking about it. Before he knew it he was in Lisa's room holding the phone in trembling hands. 

Gentle Love (Sal x Travis Angst/Fluff Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now