Spring Cleaning

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After Travis' break down Sal had hardly left his side the week leading up to his date with Jamie. Now Sal, Ash, and Todd were all in Sal's room. Larry was with him but his mom had needed some cover on a matinence call while she went on a date with Henry. Todd and Ash were mostly in charge of making Travis look straight, and fashionable. I know not easy to do. Travis had already been through so many outfits and was getting so fed up with it. Travis walked into Sal's room after changing for a bajillionth time. He was wearing a plane purple nit sweater that they had bought from a walmart a week before with a white button-up underneath. The white collar was peaking out from the sweater collar and under it was a silver chain that held a silver cross charm. The bottom of the button-up with tucked into some ripped blue jeans. Sal stared in awe. Ash's whole face lit up. Todd... well Todd sighed.

"It's just a little too gay. Try the non ripped blue jeans instead." Travis groaned, grabbed the jeans and huffed to the bathroom. 

"Todd! He looked hot!" Sal said to which Ash agreed in a platonic mannor. 

"Yeah, To two bisexuals! He looked flamboyant! although I do like the outfit he needs to look homophobic enough for gays to not want to approach him."

Sal groaned and Travis walked back in the room. Todd smiled along side Ashley, however Sal was pouting. Travis saw his boyfriends face and frowned. 

"Is it that bad?"

"No no no. You still look fine as fuck. It's just a little less hot. Thats all." Sal said standing up. Travis hugged him and kissed his forhead. 

"Aaand there you go making it look gay. Anyways Travis let me get after you're hair." Ashley said waltzing over two the two. Travis rolled his eyes and she took him back to the bathroom Todd and Sal following behind them. 

"So you're hair is barely blonde now. We can go back pure blonde or try and make it look freshly grown out, or we can go full brown. It's up to you." Travis thought for a moment before smiling.

"Can we do the naturally grown out thing and Trim it?" Ash nodded and started mixing up the bleach. Ash had been doing hers and Sal's hair for years now. Sal had recommended she go into cosmetics after highschool but she insisted on becoming a mechanic.


"Alright, You're all done!" Ash called with a smile. Travis stood up looking in the mirror and moving his hair around. He liked it. He looked Hot. He felt the most attractive he had ever felt in his life. He was happy with himself and his life. He has happy about where he was and his friends. Nothing could ever go wrong right now. Right?

Travis had been driven to his date and met her at the icream shop. Once Lisa drove away he took a deep breath and walked in. He saw Jamie standing by the door om her phone. She looked nervouse and honestly uncomfortable. She had her Dark brown hair straigtened and a simple white dress. Her make up was done but it was simple. some mascara, blush, and lip gloss. Travis strode across the room to her and looked at her uneasy face.

"Are you alright?" He asked as she looked up at him. She didn't say anything she just smiled and clicked off her phone.

"Hi Travis! I'm glad you actually called me! After so long i didn't think you'd follow through. Expecially after you and Sally Face started dating. I'm glad you finally found comfort in your sexuality!"

"Oh- yeah! He's really nice. How's your girlfriend?"

"That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about. I know about you're father and the cult. My girlfriend went missing and I wanted to know if you could find her. I'm sure they did it. And if they did I'm next."

"Holy fuck- how long has she been gone?"

"She never returned home from my house lastnight."

"Damn. It does sound like it could be the cult. I have some robes at my house but I don't know if my father has gotten back im towm yet. I guess I coukd ask Philip. If my father is out of town we can go snatch some robes and get her put of there. I know my way around pretty well since I always had to bring him his dinner back when my mother was around." Jamie smiled.

"Oh thank you thank you thank you! God I owe you everything Travis!" 

"Don't mention it!" Travis said as he texted Philip.


Is my father back yet?


No. Why?


No reson. Just wantred to know.

Travis clicked off his phone and stood up. And reached his hand out. Jamie grabbed it and the two left the store. The walk to his house wasn't long nor loud. They said not a word to eachother. Once they arrived Travis let them inside. He dusted quickly then went into his fathers room. He unfolded two cloaks and walked back out of the house with Jamie. 

"Why's you dust the house?"

"He got pissed last time i didn't."


And they had arrived. They went back behind the church and down into the temple. They had put the cloaks on once they entered the building and began to walk towards the cells. They were stopped by whomever was standing guard.

"Excuse me, but shouldn't you two be preparing the sacrifice?" She said

"We were sent to watch over the sacrifices and to send you into the pit room." Travis said deepening his voice to sound less like himself.

"Very well then." The occultist said handing travis the cell keys.

Once she left Jamie rushed to the cells. She looked and searched for her Girlfriend and found her standing in the corner of the room face stained from tears. 

"She's here." Jamie whispered taking her hood off. Travis opened the door and helped out the girl. They closed the cell door and dropped the keys. Travis then Grabbed Jamies partner and threw her over his shoulder. They rushed put of the temple and back to Travis' house. The two shed their cloaks and Travis folded and placed them back in his fathers room. When Travis walked out of his fathers room Jamie and her girlfriend were no where to be found. 

"I see you dusted this time."


word count: 1,094

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