Going home

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    Afew weeks later Travis walked out of the school building to see a familiar car. Sal was walking beside him talking until Travis froze. Sal turned around. "You ok?" Sal asked. "Mhm. I guess I'm not walking back to the appartments tonight." Travis said his eyes wide and fixed on the car. His fathers car. "What? Its only been 5 and a half months though." Sal's tone told Travis how upset Sal was by the idea of Travis going home. This made Travis hold his breath trying not to react knowing his father was staring him down from the front seat. "Talk to you later Sally Face." Before Sal could respond Travis was climbing in the car. He closed the door and made sure to sit with good posture and his hands folded in his lap. His bag was sitting ontop of his feet on the floor board. "Hello father." He said quietly. Kenneth pushed down the gas pettle. "How was your trip?" "Shut up." Travis nodded and kept his eyes on the road. As the drove past the Addison appartments and towards the Phelps ministry Travis deflated slightly. "Straight your back." Kenneth demanded. Travis didn't say anything. He just sat up straighter. His father pulled up to the house and opened his door. "This house better be clean." Travis nodded and got out of the car.

    Travis walked into the house. he knew it was still clean since he hadn't been in the house since Lisa came and got him. "Go to you're rom and do school work. "Yes father." Travis walked up the stairs. He closed his door silently and sat at is desk. he sat his book bag den on the floor next to him. he pulled out a notebook and algabra text book. He tried his best to focus on the confusing advanced form of math but Sal was stuck in his mind. every S made him picture the shorter boy. he let out a frustrated breath. Then his door flew open. Travis' eyes widened and he sat his pen down on the paper. "Did you forget to dust?" Kenneth asked. "Yes sir." he said turning to look up at his tall father. he was wearing black dress pants and a black shirt. his rosary hung from his kneck down to his diaphram. his fists we're clenched and his knuckled we're white. "Sorry sir." Travis said standing up. he was ready to accept another punishment. although his head injury was freshly healed he knew it was coming. "Sit your ass back in that damn seat and finish your school work before your punishment gets worse." Travis nodded and sat down. he picked up his pen and continued to work out the confusing work. his father left his room and closed the door. Travis assumed this was because he couldn't stand to look at his faggot son. the son who had a little gay crush on a boy. His disgusting sinner of a son. Travis took a shaky breath as a single tear dropped onto his paper he wiped his face and tried to calm himself. He just wanted his fathers love. he wanted his mom back. He missed Lisa and Sal. He even missed Larry. He wanted to go home. the problem was he was home, atleast his fathers home. He never considered this house a home of his own. he didn't have one for years, but now the appartments we're his home. He longed for the sweet lavender scent that drowned Sal and his appartment. he wished he could lay in Henry's bed with Sally face just one more time. he missed listening to music that wasn't just the clasical music that danced through the empty white halls of his fathers house. or the christian songs that played every sunday anytime he was around his father. He wanted to listen to real music.

    as hours passed he heard his fathers bedroom door slam shut downstairs. Boys weren't allowed to cook in this home, although Kenneth forced Travis to feed himself. With the long list of foods he wasn't allowed to eat he bassically lived off of balogna sandwitches. He guessed his father had already eaten. He wasn't hungry. He looked at the alarm clock on his desk. 9:30. He's going to sleep travis thought. He let out a long sigh. After two hours he grabbed his phone.

Hey Sal. Are you awake?

Yeah, why?

I'm on my way.

Ok? Is everything alright?

11:47 pm

Are you ok? It's been a while.

I'm here

    A knock roared through the almost empty apartment ripping Sal away from his silent and anxious fidgetting. Sal tiredly walked to the door his prothsetic held agenst his face. "You ok?" "Yeah. Can we hang out for a bit. My father is used to me being at school super early so he shouldn't know i was here." Sal moved out of the way allowing Travis to walk in. Travis took his shoes off and placed them next to the door neatly. "Sure!" Sal closed the door after Travis. "You know you can keep your shoes on right?" Sal said forgetting how uptight and respectful travis was at the begining of his stay with Sal. He could tell It was just because his dad was a strict man but something about the facade's sudden return made Sal uncomfortable. "Yeah just seems rude. on second thought mind if i live here again?" Sal was taken aback not expecting such a sudden and casually asked question.


    "Travis your dad is going to find out. then what? we never get to see each other again? I'm not letting that happen!" Sal stated his mask now clipped onto his face. Sal had no problem with letting Travis stay but something about Kenneth reminded Sal of bad luck. he wasn't sure if it was the scowl prying at the corner of his mouth 24/7 or the death glares he shot towards Sal eveytime he was near. "Sal you don't get it. I can't live in that home." Travis pleaded tears slowly on their way to his water line like small needles ready to be painfully hard to hold back. "Why not?" "I'm not safe there, I'm scared to be there." "That's your home Travis." Sal said sitting on the couch. Gizmo could tell Sal was feeling stressed so he climbed into the blue haired boys lap. "No it's not!" Travis said, his voice raising noticibly. Thats when the tears started to flow.  "Don;t you see it? this is my home. this place. It's where I'm safe and loved. It's where my real family is! it's where I dont have to worry about getting throw down the stairs or out a window. It's where I dont have to be scared of getting stomped into the floor or hit for crying. This is where you are." Travis paused for a moment tears running down his cheeks and onto the floor. He looked down to his socks. "I-I'm so sorry Sal- I didn't mean to say all that." The next thing Travis knew Sal had his prothsetic on the floor and is arms wrapped around Travis, his face burried into his chest tears pouring from one eye like normal and the other falling more like buckets onto his purple sweatshirt. "Welcome home Travis. I love you." Travis wrapped his arms around Sal tightly sobbing relentlessly. those were words he had waited his entire life to hear.

    (Alr alr thats another chapter finished! A/N thanking eveyone for 300 read is going to be posted. It will be tmr and possibly for 300 and 400. I hope every single one of you enjoyed this new update and have a good morning/night/afternoon Word count: 1,300+)

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