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Travis sat with his knees to his chest. He had a paper plate with left over greese and a large stomatch ache. "Too much pizza huh church boy?" Larry questioned with a chuckle. Travis groaned and nodded. "Told you pizza is good." Sal said holding his porcelain face up to his broken one. Sal had hardly touched his pizza. Not only was he hungry but he didn't feel like taking of his prothsetic. He would eat later. Larry yawned and stood up. He grabbed his plate along with Sal and Travis' plates. "Alright crew, im going to my apartment for the night. Dont be gay without me." He jokes. Travis forced down a chuckle and scoffed instead. Larry snickered at Travis' reaction. Sal did the same. "Bye Larry Face, love you bro." Larry walked out of Sals bedroom slapping the top of the door frame. "Love you to broski!" And with that Larry was gone.

Travis groaned his stomach ache slowly crawling it way to his throat. Sal looked at Travis sympatheticly. "Do you want some alcazeltzer?" Sal asked gently. "What's that?" Travis asked. "It'll go and get anything upsetting your stomatch out." Sal said adjusting his mask. "Uh- yeah sure."

Travis walked back into Sals room. "Feeling better?" Sal asked. "Much." Sally patted the bed beside him. "Im kind of upset about our break ending. We have to actually go back to school." Travis sighed, sitting down beside Sal. "Yeah. I hate that place. Although maybe it won't be so bad anymore." He said his muffled voice like music to Travis' ears. "Why is that?" Travis poked. "Oh- now I have another friend to hang out with." Sal said nudging Travis' arm gently. Yravis chuckled. "Yeah- wait- no. I can't be all budy budy with you at school." Travis said his eyes wide. "Why not-?" Sal asked gis head falling to an angle. "Connor is already convinced I'm a faggot! If we start being bestie's he'll beat my head in! I'll never live to see another day!" Travis exclaimed. Sal sighed sympatheticly. "Then just promise you wont start picking on me again. Thats the least you can do." Travis nodded.

After a little bit of short conversation Travis grabbed his pajamas and walked into the bathroom. After he finished changing he walked into Sal's dads room and layed down. He fell asleep after counting his breathes like he always does.

Sal layed down in his bed and took of his prothsetic. He ate some of his pizza then got up. He slowly slipped into his pj's then crawled under his blankets and fell asleep. He had the usual nightmare and walked into the room Travis was in. He knew Travis was a light sleeper. He tapped his shoulder gently to which Travis woke up. "Hm?" He groaned tiredly. "Nightmare." Sal whispered. "Come on." Travis said and scooted over not opening his eyes. He knew Sal's prothsetic was off. He didn't want to violate the blue haired male. Sal crawled into the bed and curled up into Travis' chest. Travis never gave Sal much physical effection, or really any effection at all, but he would rest his arms around Sal.

Travis would rather let Sal know someone is there rather than Sal being alone. Travis knew how shitty it felt being alone with no one to trust. He knew what it was like having a bad dream and being stuck alone in a silent house. A still house with no one to turn to. He knew what it was like going home afraid and alone. He knew what it was like to bite through his cheeks to keep his sobs silent. Crying was weak and queer. Kenneth would never allow him to cry. If he cried during one of his fathers randomly triggered beatings it would just get worse. He didn't want Sal to feel alone. He hoped Sal would never have to feel so alone and afriad. Sal had a good family. Sal had good friends. He had people to turn to, and Travis wanted to be a friend he could turn to. Although he refused to admit it he wanted Sal to go to him when he was anxious. He wanted Sal to like him the same way Travis liked Sal. He wanted Sal to save him, but he knew that was just him being stupid.

As the blonde yelled at himself telepathically Sal slept peacfully. He never had nightmares with other people around. He remembered back in jersey when his dad was a drunk and neglectful. He remembered all of the shitty friends he had made. He remembered the nightmares that plauged him for years. He hated remembering the nights he woke up in a cold sweat. He regreted all of the unhealthy coping he would do at night. Although he knew no one cared back then. He knew his father wished he was never born. And knowing all of this made things worse in the long run. He really did appreciate Travis. Despite the constant homophobic comments he knew Travis enjoyed being with Sal, and Sal enjoyed being with Travis.

Finally Travis managed to fall asleep. The next day Sal and Travis woke up. The got ready for school and piled in the back of Lisa's car. She drove the three boys to school and they chatted quietly. Travis stayed silent the whole ride. He never talked in the morning. He said good morning to everyone and then once they arrived at school he told Lisa to have a good day. Sal and Larry hung back for a bit waiting on their friends to arrive meanwhile Travis walked into the building. He kept his eyes to the floor. He saw a foot slide out infront of him and stepped over it. "The Fag has quick reflexes huh?" A voice called behind the the blonde boy. "I'm not a fucking queer Connor." He scoffed walking through the hall and to his locker as if nothing happend.

Sal and his friend walked in the building talking. They went to their lockers. They put their bags inside and grabbed anything thry needed for their class. "So how's Travis been treating you two?" Sal's eyes crinkled indicating a smile. "He's been nice to us! We had him try Pizza for the first time and he ate so much he got sick." Sal announced. Ash chuckled. "He doesn't like metal though" Larry sighed. "Who does?" Todd asked. "Says the one who listens to techno and classical music only!" Sal joked. "Hey! It's good music!" Todd argued. "Mhm sure." Ash chuckled. "What!? Ash you listen to music with me all the time!" Sal giggled. The bell rung through the halls and the group split. Ash and Larry went to art while Sal and Todd went to their chem class.

Travis grabbed his things and stood next to his locker. The stench of hormones and sweat plauged the halls of nockfell high school. He grabbed a book out of his bag along with a pencil case. He opened the black book he had in his hands. Wild at Heart by John Eldredge. His father had it in his study while he read it. After Kenneth finished it he threw it at Travis and told him he has to read it. Travis listened and had been reading it for a month an a half. He never was a strong reader. Infact he didnt learn to read until a year after all the other kids. He never enjoyed reading but his father wouldn't let him do anything other than read, school work, or help around the church. He appreciated a good book but all the books he read had large words he struggled to read. He was only allowed cristian frendly books and couldn't check out books from the school library. Everything he read his father already had read. After about 4 pages the bell rang. He walked to his class swiftly. He sat in his desk at the back of the class and went right back to reading.

One class after another passed until lunch. Lunch came and went. Sal didn't eat like normal and neither did Travis. The rest of their classes crawled by slowly. They went back to the apartments. Ate diner, talked, got ready for bed, then went to sleep. At some point Sal went in there due to a nightmare and they slept in the same bed. This continued for the next few weaks until they got to school.

Travis walked in before Sal and Larry like he always did. Connor said called him gay in one way or another. Travis ignored him this time. Once he got to his locker a hand clenched around his shoulder and spun him around. Travis didnt have time to react. Connor grabbed his face and slammed his head into the locker. Travis yelped in pain and surprise followed by begging screams for him to stop and get off of him. A crowd had gathered around. Sal and his friend walked into the building and Sal immediately ran to stop the fight. Larry followed Sal worried his step-brother would get hurt. Sal shoved his way through the crowd and gasped. "Travis! Connor get the fuck off of him!"

(Haha cliffhanger bozo. Word count: 1550+)

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