Awakeing sleeping Beauty

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     Edited on:June 3rd

     Yashiro moans tiredly as she feels herself being shooken side to side.After she slowly opens up her eyes, She comes face to face with a worried Hanako staring down at her with concern planted all over his face and a gaze that might make her cry all over again.

     "Han..ak..o".Yashiro mutters out as she starts to pull herself to sit up.Trying her best not to wince in pain.

     "What are you doing in my bedroom?".She mutters out which makes it clear she isn't fully awake and alert to her surroundings.

    "Yashiro..Your in the bathroom and everyone has already left school,It's pretty dark out...what are you still even doing here asleep on the wall like that and with your face all red and puffy?"He mutters."Have you been crying..?".He sighs as he scans her with worry.

     She jumps now taking in the fact she is still in the bathroom and she is not in-fact at home sleeping in her bed.She gives a worried glance to Hanako-Kun and takes in his expression of concern and worry and the way his eyes glaze over her face searching for the issue and hoping to find a answer .

     She gulps not knowing what to stay to her dear friend and to tired to talk so instead she grabs hanako and pulls him close and hugs him and burys her head in his chest inhaling his scent as she sighs and sags against him.Which brought such a surprise to Hanako he almost jumped high enough probably close to the roof .

     After he snakes his arms around her returning the hug and head resting on her forhead he whispers softly."Everything alright...Yashiro..?"

(BEING REWRITTEN!)His Lovely Daikon(TBHK)-Hananene/Hanako x YashiroWhere stories live. Discover now