Makeing the plan

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Kou's pov:

     I have some anger flashing in my eye but i sigh to myself to keep calm and cross my arms tilting my head and a eyebrow.I back up from Hanako and he smiles at me Hands behind his back.Creepy...."Well Hanako what do you except us to do about Her?"He only smiles at me before walking to a desk and sitting on on it crossing his right leg onto his left his left elbow balancing on his right knee,Hand cupping his face."Why don't we Confront her and have her admit first off".I facepalm myself."Why would she tell us that much less me as your Dead so you obviously can't do it yourself."I give him another tilt of my head holding both my arms to say "What do we do then".He taps his finger to his chin and looks in thought before i see a Lightbulb(Yes motherfuckers its bright one to!)Appear above his head.He jumps off the desk and puts both of his hands in the air.

     "So we don't do it but someone else".I tilt my head."Who else could we possibly ask to do this Donut brain".He smiles at me clasping his Hands behind his back and closing his eyes."You'r older brother of course i bet she is one of the Girls who tell him Anything he would want to know!"

     I look at him blankly before bursting out laughing."HAHAHHA,THATS THE BEST SHIT I'VE HEARD IN A LONG FUCKING TIME!"Im crouching down trying to catch my breath and i tilt my head up to see him Glaring at me crossing his arms."And why is that!?"He retorts raising a eyebrow.I calm myself down and stand up tall and cross my arms across my Chest like Hanako."My brother hates your guts".I say putting a finger to his chest.He gives me a glare a irk mark on his hand."I know that Stupid Kid know get on with it".He says swatting away my hand."Why would my Older Brother, Teru want to help YOU?!"He gives me a creepy grin and i shudder a bit.lOh kid i already know he Wouldn't help me out thats why matter of Fact you will ask him yourself".He says tilting his head and one arm behind his back and one hand on his chin with a finger placed on it."He would do anything for His lil bro,Matter of fact so Helping confront someone to Help his brother's friend would be no problem to him".He grins at me Smugly.

     I'm making sure to hide any hint of Sadness on me of Hanako mention how me and Yashiro senpai are just friends."Well at least your Brain isn't so small after all!" He puts his hands on his hips and gives a charming smile."Of course Me the Great Number.7 of the Seven wonders, Hanako the Bathroom ghost is smart!"

     Sparkles radiate of him."Uh huh and if your so Smart while are you..."I point to his white dress shirt."Wearing that?"He seems frozen and soon after a few mins looks down at his Dress shirt."Ah,About that...."

    Hanako's pov:

     "The reason I'm not wearing my Gakuran(Yes finally not calling it Jacket and its actual name, don't kill me)..."I have some sweat on my face as i scratch my chin."Yashiro kinda is Wearing it".My face is red as i See the kid starring at me Blankly."WHY THR FUCK WOULD SENPAI BE WEARING YOUR DAM FUCKING GAKURAN?!"He yells jumping at me jumping and shaking me."AHHH KID STOP YOU WILL MAKE DIZZY IF YOU KEEP SHAKING ME UP LIKE YOU WOULD MARACAS!"I say yelling feeling i Might vomit.He lets me go and i have my hands on my knees waiting for the Dark unlit classroom where in to stop Spinning." One"I say getting up and dusting off my dress shirt."She is wearing it for as Yako puts it "So a dress doesn't put pressure on her sides".He looks at me raising a eyebrow."Why would she not have Pressure on her sides?"He says tilting his head a question mark appearing over it.I gulp,God don't let this Kid kill me when I tell him."Wellllll..."I say rolling my hands in like half circles."She may or may not..have...BROKENHERRIBS".I say fast and admittedly  bring my hands to my back and stare at him."NANI!".I sigh,I did not except to die Twice in my Years."You heard me correct kid,Thats why i wanna teach this Girl a lesson and maybe or maybe not.."Gently" rough her up a lil".He glares at me."As much as i wish to agree to wanting to Punch the ever living hell outta this girl,I'm wanting to protect the students in the school not hurt em".I smile a creepy grin and pull out my knife and drag my finger along its edge and see the kid shudder.

     "Leave that part to me then i promise i won't kill her just leave her a warning".He stares at me Blankly."No wonder Teru wants to exorcise you so bad-".I glare at him shoving my knife back up my sleeve."Hey,I never asked to have someone Much less your Brother tryna Erase me"I say pouting crossing my Arms and turning my head to the side."Well i gotta give you credit for that".I turn my head back to see him sighing and then leaning on a wall."I wish i could help Senpai more than asking my Brother to Confront.."Some girl".He says putting quotation marks.He sighs dropping his hands."But it's better if i do this instead or i Might try to kill this bitch Hurting Yashiro".I smile at him and tackle him in a Hug much to his surprise."ACK!,HANAKO WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING".He shouts at me."MY MAN WAY TO HELP A DAIKON!"He glares at me before bumping me on the head and i drop to the floor."YASHIRO SENPAI IS NOT A DAIKON AND DON'T JUST HUG ME OUTTA NOWHERE TWERP!".I glare at him using my lips to pout rubbing the spot on my head he might have left a Bump on.He holds a hand to help me up and i take it."Even though i probably will regret this in the future i'll help you out,BUT NOT FOR YOU ITS ONLY FOR SENPAI!"He shouts flustered and scratching his Neck.Even though this irritates me i decide i want to pick on him.

     "Oooo~,Are you thinking Dirty of Yashiro Kid,Not gonna lie i'm surprised i Never took you as the type~"He glares at me."I will gladly Exorcise you Myself right Here,Right now".I put my hand up in defense."Ah,No need for battle".I raise my hand and use my hand to motion for a High five.He looks at me confuse before shrugging his shoulders and we both jump up Highfiveing."OPERATION HELP SENPAI IS A GO!".He shouts raising a Fist in the air."Nice name kid!".I say smugly and giving him a smirk."Hanako so help me i will Erase you".A irk mark appears on his forehead as he raises a Fist to my face."AH,NO NEED TO ASSULT THE DEAD HERE KID!".I say raising my hands up in Defense.


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