Lets finish this shall we?

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Hanako's pov:

The girl stays still as i draw blood and i laugh at the fear in her eyes and the stunned expression on her face."Maybe you wanna know how it feels?"She trembles and cry out when i press the knife deep in her skin."Oops maybe that was to deep?"Tsukaka chuckles."I wonder what would happen if you went further in her skin Amane~"My younger twin chirps happily.The girl shakes and i hear her sobbing as she try's to plead."Pl..ea..se..No.."I press my Knife deeper and she Screams.I pull it out slowly and watch the Wound bleed.She gives a Petrified look.

I nod to Tsukaka and i Smile as i hear her Other arm snap and as she screams out."PLEASE NO MORE!"I bring my knife to her other arm and lay a long deep cut and hear scream and cry out as the wound is made.

"Amane i wanna try something!"I look at My brother and just nod my head backing up as i watch him bring her neck to his mouth.I cringe a little watching him bite in her skin and as she screams."Tsukaka what the fuck is that supposed to do?"He giggles as he breaks off her neck his fangs leavening a mark."I always like the taste if blood Amane!"I shake my head and laugh."Good thing there will be a lot of spilling it tonight~"The girl trembles.Tsukaka lets go of her and she falls to the floor.He giggles as he kicks her in the stomach.I watch my twin smile widely as he kicks her over and over and she lets out screams of pain.

I decide its better for me to leave the rest to Tsukaka and i nod towards him to let him know I'm going.He smiles at me and waves.I give the girl once last wide grin before i see Tsukaka grab her head and smash it in the floor.

I run quickly to a empty classroom and take a moment to breathe.Ok maybe i just leave that stuff to Tsukaka as i felt like almost Fainting him watching him do all that stuff.I laugh at my trembling hands and take another moment before gathering myself and making my way towards the Infirmary.

Yashiro's pov:

I have my earbuds plugged in my phone as Hanako asked me to listen to some old songs back from his time alive(I mean who would wanna take a chance she heard you know who screaming).I tap my fingers to the beat as i hum along.I'm right now reading a romance book waiting for Hanako to come back from whatever he had to do and ponder thinking of my book.I always wanted someone like the prince in this book..But instead i got Hanako...I blush realizing i Yashiro Nene finally got her prince charming!Even if he isn't the one i always dreamt about i would never trade him in for the world!I smile warmly remembering Me and Hanako's first kiss.I never thought anyone could love me as much as Him,I mean who would love Daikon legs?I think back to what Hanako said about him Loving and Saying there cute and my face turns red..I also remembered what happened after that..

I don't even notice Hanako enter and take out the Earbuds from my ears.I smile at him as i place the bookmark in my book and pat for him to lay with me.He smiles at me as he carefully hops in the bed with me.Once settled in i climb on-top of him.He blushes as I carefully settle my head into the nook of his neck and I wrap my arms around him and relax as drapes his arms over me.He massages my back and Hums a soft song tune and soon i find myself drifting off to sleep.

(BEING REWRITTEN!)His Lovely Daikon(TBHK)-Hananene/Hanako x YashiroWhere stories live. Discover now