Love moment(SMUT😳🥺🥲)

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Yashiro's Pov:

Warning:Lime Moments and then🍋 Lemon/Smut(Idk why i'm doing this Again but to write sometimes you gotta do stuff you don't wanna do even if it makes u ACTUALLY HECKING SCREAM OF SHYNESS🥲(I say screaming if Shyness as whenever i'm shy i always make these screams but its mostly when i'm alone but since me and my Sisters rooms are close by she always hears-)

     I Hum as Hanako continues Kissing my Neck."Nene Chan?".I See Hanako look up at Me."Yes Hanako?".He looks Embarrassed as i See the Blush all over his Face even to the Tip of his Ears."Can..We..You..Know".I blush.I look away and he Continues Kissing my Neck."".He burys his head further in my Neck and I Chuckle.Soon he Softly Bites my Neck and I let out a Moan."Hanako..Hah..What if it..Leaves a Mark..?He hums in response and Bites a bit Harder.

    "Hah..Ngh..Han..ako.."He licks the Area he Bit and Looks at me Smirking."Yes Nene Chan~"GODAMMIT HE IS USSING HIS SEXY VOICE ON ME!😤"Hanako What if it Leaves a Mark!".I pout angrily and He Kisses My Lips."Good~".He purs in the kiss."Your Naughty Hanako".I mumble."I know~".He Deepens the Kiss.He licks my Bottom Lip asking for Entrance and I Decide to Tease Him a Lil as i Hold my Lips firm He Bites my Lower Lip but not Hard enough to draw Blood and i Gasp and He uses his Chance.That was a Sly Move.

     I Adjust Myself so I'm Fully on His lap and Soon this is a Full on Heated Make Out Session(If you get what i am Saying😳)Soon we Break away so i can Breathe and a String of Saliva Connects our mouths together.Hanako's eyes our Half Lidded as his Eyes Glaze over my Nightgown(Yako got her One since you Know i don't think Yashiro should stay in Hanako's Gakuran for Days-😌)"No.2 seems to Know what fits you Quite Cutely~".I blush as His hands start to Go Below my thighs and Caress them.I start Unbutton Hanako's Gakuran but he Grabs my Hands and Kisses them."Not yet Princess~".I pout."You know i Don't like your Teasing!"He Chuckles at me."I know but I Love to Tease you~".

     He Grabs my Waist again and we Start Kissing some More.After we Break apart once more he Pepers my Face with Kisses."Hanako why you being so Gentle~".I giggle at Him and He just continues."Because i Love hearing you Happy~".I smile at Him and He smiles back.I bring One of his Hands to My Cheek and Hold it there and Smile.

     Authors note:GODAMMIT I WRITE TO WHOLESOME!🥲I mean i'm ok with this and Don't mind but like sometimes we gotta attend to the Horny people-(I regret saying that but i don't feel like erasing it and Find a new word so i'm gonna just Finish writing this-)

     He then grabs my Face gently and Kisses me again."Love you Nene".My heart flutters at his words and i Kiss him back."I love you to Hanako".Soon he Nuzzles his head back him my Neck and starts Kissing it."Mmm,This is nice".I Chuckle."Lovesick Puppy~".He pouts."Am not".I Play with His hair."Soon i feel him bite my Sensitive Spot and Yelp."Ngh..Careful..It's..S..Ngh..Senti..Ve" He kisses it and looks at ms Licking his Lips."I know~".I gulp."God dammit why did I fall in Love with a Horny Perverted Hormonal Ghost".He smirks at Me."You know you Love me~".I Blush and Smile at him."I know~".He blushes a little before he starts Kissing my Neck again.

    I slowly move my hips and He groans.I Chuckle knowing i can get such a Reaction outta him."Keep that up and i'll Lose Control sweetie~".He says Biting down and i Hold down a Moan.I Start to    Adjust to he has Better Access to  My Neck."Han..Ngh..ak..o..Ngh..."He hums as he continues on and soon he Makes a Loud pop sound and Kisses My Neck More.I Move my Hip slowly to Tease him and Hear him Groan against my Skin.Soon he Flips me so he is Towering above me and My Back is Laying on the Bed."Enough teasing~".He  has One hand Caressing my Thighs as We Kiss.

     Soon his Hand finds way to my Heat and I Twitch Awaiting for Pleasure.


    Soon he starts to Massage My Heat and I let Out Moans of Pleasure.""He smirks at me."Nene so Wet already are we~".

     Authors note:OH MY GODAMMIT I AM FUCKING DIEING AND I'M WRITING THIS WHILE ON CALL WITH MY FREIND @Thegingerhoe but like they have No clue what I'm writing other than it Smut/Lemon so like-🥲

    But i wrote to much to not continue so i'm just gonna suck it up and Continue what i started writing for whatever reason.(🥲regret of life choices)

    He speeds up and Soon i Orgasam."Looks like we Soiled them~"He smirks bringing his fingers up to show the Sticky Substance.I blush and Notice he is to but I just Giggle at Him quietly and Blush Red watching him Lick his Fingers and then Lick his Lips.He grins as he slowly pulls of my Panties.(REGRET OF WORD😳).He Flings them Off to Gods no Know where.

     I Blush as Hanako lowers his Head.(I'm making Shy sounds🥲)He is not going do what i Think he is....Right?I am Tomato Red as his Face is Near my Womanhood(Ok idk wtf to say to make me any less shy bout writing this🥹)He smirks up at me and i Gasp as His Tongue makes a wet Stripe(OK IMMA TRY NOT TO SCREAM BUT ITS HARD MAN WHY DO I WRITE THIS SHIT CUASE I FIND IT FUNNY?!🥲I rather Write Violence Man or Wholesome shiz but NO i chose Lemon/Smut like GODAMMIT)He soon starts(Ok no more of these random notes but they show when i stopped at a point but at the end i might freaking be flipping out🥲)-(Ok quick note here idk what word to use so contaplateing here)You already know.(I could not figure what to say man).

    "Ngh..Hah..Hanako..Hah...~".He continues and i Grip his Hair.He speeds up and Soon i let out my Release he Smirks at me While lifting his Head up."That good Yashiro~".I blush and Turn my head and He moves my Hands away."Its ok don't be shy".I nod my head and He kisses my Forehead.

    Soon after he Removed all Articles of Clothing on the Both of us.He brings himself to my Entrance and Slowly pushes in.Clearly as this is our Second time.

   Authors note:OK ENDING THIS HERE I CAN'T CONTINUE WRITING THIS SMUT SO NEXT CHAPTER WILL BE SMUT FREE OF COURSE!🥲Also to be honest i am very shy like so its why this is like hard for me to write but i still attempt it-👁👄👁

(BEING REWRITTEN!)His Lovely Daikon(TBHK)-Hananene/Hanako x YashiroWhere stories live. Discover now