Teaching a lesson

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Notee:The bully is named Ami Tanaka thanks to CanIEatYouPlss

Notee:The bully is named Ami Tanaka thanks to CanIEatYouPlss

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Tw:This chapter contains cussing and Violence!

Ami's pov:

I sigh as i'm texting my aunt letting her know i might be a little late coming home.No respond yet and i shake my head as i open my locker door.I'm at my locker gathering my stuff even though basically everyone has gone home."Great i better not get in trouble just cause I'm a little late".I mumble before slamming the locker door close my bag hanging off my shoulder slightly.

As i'm making my way through a Hallway i hear a strange laughter.I freeze as sweat starts to drop from my forehead."Ami your just hearing things i mean everyone has gone home already...Right?".I start my way again until i hear it again!Ok this weird."Hello? Is someone else still here?"Dammit Ami why did you call out!I hear footsteps and quickly turn around."Ok this is scary..Reminds me of a horror movie..".I shake my head.

"If this is a prank its not funny you know!"I yell out for whoever is here to hear."Boo~"Someone whispers in my ear.I jump and turn around but to see no one."God dammit Ami your turning crazy and hearing things!".I slap myself in the head.I start walking again and stop once more when i hear this time..2 laughters..."So names Ami Tanaka right?".I jump and I'm shocked to see a boy with orange cat like eyed and a creepy grin.This boy has choppy black hair and a weird hat.He also has a black like sticker on his cheek with words in red writing.What is the weirdest is his outfit."Uh who are you?".The weird boy tilts his head at me.

"I'm Tsukaka!"He yells somewhat child like.I tilt my head."I have never seen you here before.."He looks in thought for a moment before giving a flashy smile."Thats cause i'm dead~"I freeze for a moment and shake my head."Your crazy you can't be dead"I hear a loud thump behind me."Actually he can be".I turn around to see another boy who looks basically alike to the boy i just saw now but with a minor changes.Instead of a black like sticker its white with red wording and he also is wearing a totally different outfit except with the same hat.I look at the other boy."WHO ARE YOU?!"I shout."I'm Hanako or As others like to call me Number 7 of the seven wonders.I shake my head."Hell no this shit is to crazy,Besides Hanako san is a girl and your a..Boy"He laugh's and i flinch at how creepy it sounds.

"Yes well the rumors got that one thing wrong didn't they~".I back up but only end up backing up into the other boy who smiles at me."Hello again~"He chirps and i feel him grab my wrists and hold them fir.I start to bash around."LET GO OF ME YOU STUIPD ASSHOLE!"I scream thrashing around.I hear him chuckle."Wouldn't you want a taste of your own Medicine?"I thrash around more and i feel the boy tighten his hold on my wrist and it hurts."AH THAT HURTS STOP IT!".He only twists tighter and i scream as tears fall from my eyes."Now now,Tsukaka don't break her just yet".I hear the boy holding my wrists pout."Aww but Amane thats no fun".I look at the boy in-front of me."I..thought you were Hanako San?"He chuckles at me."Well yes i am but my Younger brother here still calls me by my name".It hits me why they looks similar.THERE TWINS!?"Yep you got that right Amane!"I thrash around dome more and stop and Freeze seeing the boy in-front if me holding a Knife."DON'T COME NEAR ME WITH THAT THING HEAR ME!"I yell and Wriggle until i feel a snap and a Pain in my left arm.MY LEFT ARM IS BROKEN?!"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO MY ARM!"The boy restraing me chuckles."Oops maybe i was a little to rough~".

He squeezes the arm her broke and i cry out in pain."Oh i'm sorry dose it hurt?"I look at the other boy called Hanako or Amane ,Whatevef he is called and see him in-front of me holding a knife to my Left arm."Please..No.."I try pleading watching him dig the knife slowly in my skin."Aw why should i give you any Mercy when i'm sure you showed Yashiro none?"I freeze upon hearing the Daikon's name.

(BEING REWRITTEN!)His Lovely Daikon(TBHK)-Hananene/Hanako x YashiroWhere stories live. Discover now