Unspoken words

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     Edited on:6/3/22

She just hugs Hanako tighter not wanting to let go and grips the  fabric of his clothes like she might die if she doesn't hold on tight enough.

    He takes that as a no and that Yashiro doesn't feel like spilling whats going on.He starts to go back to memories of him and Yashiro and subsequently lands on when they made there bond together,linking each other to this world and the next all thanks to a Mermaid scale and a girl wanting a boyfriend.

     He smiles in her hair and cant help but notice the smell of strawberry's and something like sugar cookie mixed in.He only relaxes himself to the feeling of this girl with her cream colored hair and her unique legs and the way she fantasies finding her prince charming one day and falling in love hanging on to him like shes scarred to let go but the feeling of trust she places in him to care for her.

All Yashiro can do is just relax herself in Hanako's chest and starts drifting off again to tired to fight off her tired state and Hanako only sighs while picking her up Bridal style and making sure he has a good hold on her and taking her to infirmary so she can rest on one of the beds till morning.

Once in the infirmary Hanako lays Yashiro down on the bed and is about to put the blanket on her before he notices the cuts on her legs and the bandages falling off leaving them exposed to his eye in all there "glory".

All he can do is stare in shock as he can tell that these are fairly recent by how red and the swelling developing around the wound and he can also tell they don't look like a accident by how deep they are in the poor girls skin.Making him wonder who cut her.

All he can do is patch them back up with fresh bandages as she is to tired to even stay awake for a few minutes to do it herself and might freak out about what he found and he can't call anyone else as they might wonder what she is doing here after school is over and its pretty dark outside.He grumbles a bit to himself as he is worried of being smacked by her in the morning for having to handle her thigh to place the fresh bandages on.As he places fresh wraps around the wounds he notices how she looks particularly beaten up in areas hidden away from view by articles of clothing.

He cant hide the blush on his face imagining where else the wounds can be and instead calls Yako after much fighting with himself knowing she would want to know whats shes doing here after school hours,to check and patch her up in any areas to perverted for him to even think of seeing on his poor Assistant.

Authors note:Hanako noticed the cuts on her legs and bandages since they were on her upper thigh on the right and her dress was pulled up a bit to show them when she was placed on the bed(but don't worry not high enough for him to see her undergarments if any dirty minded people where thinking that)and no they weren't made by yashiro but by someone else(She did not do Self H@rm in this story so don't worry) and he even noticed how she had bruises on her arm around her shoulder peeking out of her sleve which made him suspect that there where more as he also noticed a few on both her legs and suspects they are in areas hidden by article of clothings so no one will suspect them nor see,so he instead called Yako or Number.2 The Misaki stairs to check for them and patch whatever she finds as he didn't think it be wise if he did it.(This was incase anyone is confused).

-Time skip to when Yako arrives-

Note:(Names of person speaking will be put before there speech so there is no confusion on whoever is talking as i know how annoying that is).

Yako:Honestly number 7 ,there seem to be way more bruising and shoe marks around her stomach area that it looks like she has been getting kicked repeatedly in the ribs.

Hanako:Do you think someone is bullying her or she is being mistreated at home?That could explain all the bruises and cuts on her.

Yako:I can't be for sure as you have to ask her yourself but it looks like she is in pain when any contact is placed on the areas where her ribs are as she seemed to keep flinching in her sleep as i wrapped a bandage around them.So it makes me worried they might be broken.

Hanako:Do you think she has one or both of them broken?

Yako:She looks pretty beaten up but i cant tell for sure as i don't want to cause anymore pain to her state then She already is as i think she has been going through enough already.

Hanako:Can i see her?

Yako:I wouldn't advise it as she is right now not in her uniform anymore but in well....you can guess....as i had to check as you requested me to,but as long as i can find something to cover her up for now then do i think it will be ok for you to go in without you accidentally seeing the lady's garments .

-Hanako turns red at the thought-

Yako:Don't be perverted Number 7 this poor girl has gone through enough and i don't think she needs perverted boys like you thinking of her in such vulgar ways!


Yako:Don't yell you will wake her up and I advise you let her sleep as it looks like she has not gotten much in days.She has seemingly been wearing makeup to hide those dark circles under her eyes.Poor girl looks like she hasn't had a peaceful sleep in weeks.

-Hanako nods his head-

Hanako:Would it be ok if she wears my Gakuran so she can be covered so i can check in on her?

Yako:Of course you would say that but i do suppose it be better than that dress putting pressure on her sides as she dosen't need anymore of that.

Hanako:Do you think she will need time off of school to not cause anymore damage if she has broken something?

Yako:I do say it seems so and it also means no more making her clean your nasty bathroom for couple weeks.

-Hanako can only give Yako a glare-

Hanako:I advised her not to eat that scale and she did it anyway so i only granted her wish to become human again and took payment as i saw fit!

-Yako shakes her head-

Yako:If your going to have her wear your Gakuran I suppose you give it here as i don't want your perverted mind to get any wrong ideas by you putting it on her in a sleeping state and so vulnerable.

-Hanako simply takes of his Gakuran and hands it to Yako but not without pouting of how perverted Yako keeps calling him-

Note:He has a white dress shirt underneath so he is not topless

Yako brings the Gakuran and carefully puts it on yashiro and buttons it up  so nothing shows but makes sure she dose not cause any harm to her as doing so.

Yako:I'm sure Number 7 would just love this seeing you wearing his Gakuran, Not to mention with what your wearing underneath that Pervert could fantasize about you all day if he wanted.Makes me disappointed.

Yako:But i suppose Its better than having you have a dress pushing on your sides though so it will do.

Yako goes back out to Hanako and informs him that she is covered up so he can go in and check on her.

Yako:Oh Number 7 one more thing before i go

-Yako says as hanako has his hand on the door knob-


Yako:Don't bring this up to her when she wakes up, if she hasn't told you whats going on its clear its none of your businesses to know yet but only be there to support her as she goes through it and wait till she finally is ready and decides to tell you.But that won't be for you to decide when.

Hanako only nods his head before entering through the door to check on Nene.

(BEING REWRITTEN!)His Lovely Daikon(TBHK)-Hananene/Hanako x YashiroWhere stories live. Discover now