A little bicker with No.2 and No.4

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   As me and Hanako make our way towards Yako senpai and Shijima san or No.2 and No.4 i start to Ponder."Hey why is Shijima san vistining Yako Senpai."He looks curious."Yako Senpai?"I nod."She allowed me to call her that sorry i forgot to mention that."He Chuckles."Nene its not a Big deal alright."I nod my Head."Alright."I see Yako and Shijima san talking or more a bit like bickering in whispers. i strain to hear and all i hear is."can't you make me a world like you did for Number 7 but where Misakai is alive?" She luaghs. "I could but why spend my time doing that for you."Yako makes a Hmph noise.She hisses."Becuase i could easily bite your hand off but i rather ask nicely first".I look at Yako in question."Your tryna make Miskaki alive now?"I thought she got over him and wanted to be with Tsuchimorgi?"Yes he is a old freind i miss him and wait a min!" Shijima san luaghs and smiles."go to your spider boyfreind lover girl or lover fox to be more exactly"She blushes and she quickly shakes her head trying to make the blush go away.I look at yako Senpai as she dose and memorize at how pretty she is like the first time i saw her and smile to myself.I might not be prefect and nor as pretty as most but at least i have someone who loves me.I look to Hanako.Yeah probably the best i could ask for.He catches me staring and tilts a eyebrow up and i blush but luagh it away."You know i was just thinking Hanako".He tilts his head Smirking."Yeah?"I smile at him and hug him and looks off guard."I love you so much you make me feel pretty even when others didnt't".He chuckles.He smiles warmly at me his eyebrows drooping to look sad but clearly warmth on his face."You know your pretty Nene".He pauses."Not gonna lie i am totally not used to dating or telling a girl this kinda stuff but with you it comes...easy i guess".I blush."WE ARE BOTH VIRGINS".He smirks."Were".I blush."Oh Yeah". Yako taps her foot a bit impatient. "You two lovebirds done."We both blush."YEP!"Shijima San giggles."I feel you two came her for me correct?"We both nod."The fake world for a date i presume?" Shijima questions. I look a bit amazed."How did you guess."Oh idk maybe...""cuase No.7 is holding you Bridal style and your dress like your going on a Date and hes being careful with you like extremely careful".I notice how Hanako is holding me now.I blush."OH!"She luaghs."Sure come on you to its just through one of these Portals".Shijima San says.Yako Shrugs before walking towards one."This one you idots".I see Shijima San smile."Maybe is my answear".Yako sparkles stars in her eyes."No.2 lost it..."My Ghost Boyfreind says.I smack him."Don't be rude!"He chuckles but Shijima San and Yako ignore us."Fine sorry Nene".I giggle."Are we gonna do this or What?". He Nods."So just through the Portal right No.4?" She nods."Right ahead and have fun you loverbirds~"Hanako smirks."I think we will~".I Blush."Yep!"I sqeak. Most of the time i don't trust his words some of them almost make me wanna throw myself at him.Shijima San and Yako wave goodbye as we step through the Portal.A/N: So i think i might end it here and start book 2 but with the same book cover till i make a new one for book 2.Fyi might be a bit as i am writing this on notepad cuase why not.Orginally was writing this story chapters on my phone on the app but im on my laptop rn so yeah-Anyway if i do end it i'll put the book as finished and if i don't it will still be ongoing.but see ya guys!

(BEING REWRITTEN!)His Lovely Daikon(TBHK)-Hananene/Hanako x YashiroWhere stories live. Discover now