Time to find the bully

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Authors note:Time to write chapter 9 finally because i decided to take a break to work on drawing as i always wanted to draw the characters but i only ever really drawn fan art of a charter once and actually finished it so to actually draw the characters i want to draw everyday its kinda pleasing(Yes i been drawing them with reference's and everyday but more so at night😌)
Anyway onto the chapter

Also sorry for last chapter but i might just keep apologizing so get used to it-

Hanako's pov:

I couldn't help but smile at the sleeping girl on my chest.I turn my head when i hear the door open and in walks in a Disturbed Yako.

Yako:You two couldn't keep it down could ya Number 7.

I stare at her for a second till i relised...


My face is tomato red as i see her glare at me and as she gestures to the Sleeping Yashiro on my chest I'm basically clutching onto as she stirs a bit.

Yako:Yes i did even as i wish i didn't,But do you mind not waking the poor girl!

Hanako:Ah,How did you hear i thought you would be in your Boundary?

Yako:I came by to check in on her.
-Points to yashiro-
Yako:But all i heard was something i bet i'll dread for centuries to come.
-She says facepalming herself-

I nod my head face still red as i carefully get outta the bed to let Yako do what she needs to do.
I just stay in the corner of the room while i see her gently prodding at Yashiro's sides and stops when she sees the poor girls face crunch up in pain.

Yako:Looks like she needs more of those Painkillers then.
-She nudges Yashiro a bit to wake her-

-She lifts herself slowly up and glances at Yako then to me then Yako again-

I watch Yako bring over some of the Painkillers and hand them to Yashiro with a cup filled with water to make it easier for her to swallow.After she is done she motions more for Yashiro to go back to sleep and i watch as Yashiro lowers herself back down and soon drifts off to sleep.

Yako motions for me and her to get outta the room to talk.I nod my head as i float behind her and out the door.

Yako:So you gonna find out who is doing this to her?

I nod my head and start making my way towards the Kid's classroom hoping to see him so we can talk.

-Time skip-

Kou's pov(Ooo this is newww):

I'm walking towards my classroom hopping to relax a bit before class starts before i hear a shouting Hanako shouting at me."KIDDDD!"I turn around to see a floating Hanako and his Ghostly orbs following close behind."Ah,Hey Hanako something up?".He slows down and plants his feet on the floor in-front of me.I tilt my head a bit confused as he motions for us to go somewhere else.I only follow him to a dark classroom as he closes the door and motions for me to sit down."Soooo,Whats the issue?".I watch his eyes go dark and see him tense up."Apparently Yashiro is getting bullied by someone and this person is taking it a bit to far".I jump up from where i was sitting."SOMEONE IS DOING WHAT TO SENPAI?!".He motions for me to sit back down and i do so even though i wanna punch the ever living hell outta this person,Whoever it is."Now now, I need your help finding whoever is doing this and we need to put a stop to them."I nod my head ready to hear whatever i need to do to help out Senpai.

-Time skip-

I'm pacing around as me and Hanako wait for his Hakujodai to come back and give us any news that might helps us figure out the culprit.I jump up as i see the Ghostly orb make it way towards Hanako and fidget around anxiously waiting for him to tell me whats up.He claps his hands together a childlike smile on his face."Good news,Hakujodai has a idea of who it is but all we need to do is make sure so we can act out".I nod my head and shudder a bit seeing Hanako's whole face go dark."Ok,So who do you think it is?".I ask trying hard not shake the answer outta him.He cones close to me and whispers in my ear."Oh well its possibly this girl in Yashiro's class named,_______".

Authors note:You guys can decide a name for this person and how they look if you want but imma end this chapter here cause its not my Fave-🥲Sorry this chapter isa bit shorter but either way hope you enjoy it and now onto the next chapter-

P.s.I also am planning a few new Toilet bound hanako kun story's but i don't wanna start on them till i'm done with this one.Also i'm thinking of doing one about a Hanako kun secretly sending Yashiro these notes as a Secret admirer and decides to turn human(Yes i got inspired by another book i read on here that is like that)But of course its gonna be diffrent

(BEING REWRITTEN!)His Lovely Daikon(TBHK)-Hananene/Hanako x YashiroWhere stories live. Discover now