A way to start a Date

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Darkness is all i see before i feel a tap on my shoulder and a voice of the one i love or my ghost boyfreind to be exact."Hanako...".The voice chuckles as i come face to face with yep Amane Yugi or known as Hanako Kun in my world."Amane while we are here Yashiro".I nod.I smile."Come on try walking!"I look suprised for a second but shake my head luaghing.I smile at Amane."Alright!"We smile at eachother.I slowly get up expecting pain but it never comes."Wow thought there atleast be a little pain."Amane chuckles."Luckly No.4 can make you feel no pain in those world cool right!?"I nod.I smile at my boyfreind now alive or pretending to be.I hug him."Thank you"Amane hugs me back."Anything Princess".I smile."Ok now the nicknames make me just love you more."He Smirks."Oh really".I notice how theres a mischevious glint in his eyes.He Pins me to the nearest wall and i blush and jump at contact with the suprisingly soft wall?He kisses me."Just you being here with me makes me love you more too"I smile and he unpins me and puts his hands in his pocket and takes out a phone."10.00 am"I smile."seems we got enough time to try alot of things!"He Chuckles as my eyes sparkle with stars in them."yep dear"He puts his phone back in his pocket and takes my hand."where to first".My stomach decides to growl and we both look at eachother but soon start luaghing."breakfest right you didn't have any even in the real world"."STRAWBERRY PANCAKES".He smiles."Alright".We walk hand and hand to a cafe that serves possibly the best Pancakes in the world and my fave strawberry pancakes as they remind of my fave snack!-Time skip- My mouth waters as we enter the cafe and all the smells drift towards my nose filling my scent and makeing my stomach growl more.It looks so cute since the last time i was here!Theres cute little lanterns hanging up emitting low dim light in the morning but when eating outside and at night there beautiful more than in the morning.Also the pink and blue color scheme like the sign with Blue cute bears saying the name of the cafe in pink text and in cursive,Beary cute.{Hehehe}.Next the tablecloth that is pink with blue flowers and the warm brown chairs and tables.Then the menus are probaly my thing on the top of my list of adorable counting my Hamster's{Even her old ones} of course. We get sat down and i smile at the waitress.She reminds me of...Yako Senpai?She smiles back and i see how even Amane notices."No.2".He says under his Breath.She smirks."What can i get you two young lovers".I blush and so dose Amane."Strawberry Milk".I squeak."Water is fine".Amane says.I Remmber how he hasn't probaly eaten in 50 years nor drinked anything."You can drink stuff and eat in here but i thought you can't-?".He luaghs."I can still eat i just don't need too i never get hungry Nene same as i never have to sleep i never get tired".I feel a little sad."I just thought you coulden't get thirsty or Hungry".He luaghs."Yes in here i can if i want to i just don't think thats nesscary".I think for a moment."Reminds me of the donuts i made you back then".His eyes go dark for a little bit."And the time you met Tsukaka".He says in a low whisper.I catch it but something sounds diffrent from how he said his name.I puase and luagh and smile at him."You mean when i got to know more about you right?"He nods smileing lightly."Yea guess so".He says Smileing saddly but i could tell he wasen't being quite honest.I sigh."Anyway you thinking of eating something with me...well shareing?".Hanako Blushes."Sure..."I Smile."Great thanks!".He smiles back his eyes back to normal and a regular smile of his face,"Of course love".I blush. Hanako's{Amane} Pov: I notice Nene blush and i smirk."I love when you get flustered".She glares and pouts."and why is that Amane?".I chuckle."Its cute~".She smacks me and smiles."Sure and your hat looks cute on you""Shit you got me-"I say blushing.She luaghs and blushes with me.We go quiet."I relised...This is our first ever date".Yashiro says.I nod."your right about that". "Fuckkkkkkk".I cover my face with my hand."I wish i got you a gift somehow".She giggles."Oh really well that would have been wonderful but..either way i love this compares to even the best gifts i gotten and you are enough for me""Now your flirting with me".She sticks her tounge out."So you can and i can't".I chuckle and smirk."Nah honestly i enjoy it watching you try".She blushes. "Well i am trying".I nod and rest my head on both my hands"Your right and i do love this".I motion towards her."More so as you".I puase and stick my tounge out smirking."Make cute expressions even just sticking your tounge out".She blushes and smacks me."Your makeing my stomach feel like butterflies soon even i won't be hungry".I smirk. "Maybe i could feed you then?~"She blushes and smacks me again on the arm."NOPE!"She quickly luaghs."To much lovey dovey Amane for one day."I chuckle."Alright i get it i'll stop".She smiles at me."Thank you".She says and kisses my cheek across the table."Love you Amane".I blush."Love you to Yashiro...Nene..."She giggles.Soon after that our waitress that reminds me alot like No.2 arrives with our drinks and menus."Ok so what would you two like?".The waitress says.I decide to speak up. "No.2 what are you doing here".She ticks her tounge."Spying-"."No No.7 makeing sure your first date go's well with the girl besides thank No.4 for that".Yashiro giggles."You really want the world that bad".No.2 scoffs."And how is that funny".Nene stops and smiles."Not at all i actually love that your trying so hard for us even if its not by your own heart" She scoffs."Yeah well thank me later and tell me what you want before i bite someone for putting me in this ridclous outfit".I luagh and No.2 glares.I quiet down and just smile and she rolls her eyes."1 giant strawberry pancake pls to share!".Yashiro says and i smile at her.I Really do love that girl.A/N: So i think i will end this here as it has gotten long enough but hope you enjoyed as i been writteing since around 11:00 Pm till 12:47 am and that is know so oof- Yep i stood up till like 10 am to around 10am the next day and slept in till like 1:00 pm something so don't mind how basically i might stay up all night again but yeah-Anyway i am thinking i might end Book 1 after there date is finished so a few more chapters i still have to write but at the same time working on other storys on paper-Might just take picutres instead of writting out but i know that might change so yeah- Anyway will post this later today {Almost said tommrow} so if your reading this then yeah,Bye guys!

(BEING REWRITTEN!)His Lovely Daikon(TBHK)-Hananene/Hanako x YashiroWhere stories live. Discover now