A day with Hanako

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   Nene's Pov:

           I look to Hanako. "why to No.2 though?" He Smirks. "Actually cuase No.4 is with her now". I pause and my Eyes go wide. "WERE NOT GOING TO THE FAKE WORLD AGAIN RIGHT?!"I yell and he laughs. "We  are just you won't be forced to stay there like i tried last time." i sigh."Better not do that to me again." He nods. We continue towards the No.2's stairs now basically a spot for Lovers{Sorry again yako}.Hanako lowers to the floor till he is standing."Question how are you able to carry me!?"He Laughs."I may be dead but i'm still strong you know it comes with being a Wonder."

     I giggle."So you carry me Bridal style Seems like your my Prince Charming i have have dreamed for all My Life". He Blushes but Smirks at me. "Now is that a Problem Princess~" I smile. "Not at all after  all you saved me from more Heartbreak". He chuckles. I notice no one is in the Hallways. "Why is no one in the Hallways?" He Looks at me and Smiles. "There all in class and don't worry No.5 handled all the arrangements so you can be out as long as you need and don't got to go to class till your healed up." I smile as some Tears come to my eyes."Thank you Hanako..."He Chuckles."You know soon i'll be Amane in the fake world Shijima-san created" I giggle. We stop Infront of the steps. "I can walk inside the fake world right?" He nods. "You won't feel a Thing in there". I smile that's good at least i won't have to worry about bullys.I look towards my legs.Hanako Notices."You know i said i like your legs remember you don't have to change them there perfect the way they are." I Smile at him. "Thank you Hanako if it wasen't for you i never even be able to live a happy life before..."He freezes his eyes going dark but he still smiles at me. "Before you die?..."I nod.He continues walking and we soon stop at the stairs. "To the 4th step we go,Hey Nene mind counting for me?"I nod ."1..2..3..4..." Soon we transport inside No.2's Boundary and i look around and Smile."You know it looks more peaceful here than before i changed the Rumors and we destroyed her Yorshiro". He Nods.

      "you got that right."We smile at each other and i blush."Still getting lovestruck by my handsome face huh Nene?~"I Smirk. "Maybe...But its hard not to"He blushes and i Laugh. "Even you get Embarrassed easily probably more so than me! "I say laughing and he joins in. 

A/n: so that is that for the next chapter,And some people think its finished but it won't be just yet until probably the next chapter or maybe two more chapters,Also there will be a Book 2 so yeah that as well so for now i publish this and hope you enjoy and sorry for my little break but im back!

(BEING REWRITTEN!)His Lovely Daikon(TBHK)-Hananene/Hanako x YashiroWhere stories live. Discover now