Will truth be revealed?

404 9 15

Edited on:6/3/22

Note:Yako is in her human form and has been while patching Yashiro up.

Hanako steps into the room and sits in the chair by the bed Nene is resting in and watches her squirm around seeming as she has a nightmare.

He watches with concern as her face scrunches up and how she wraps her arms around her torso and looks like shes in pain and she starts crying even though still asleep which makes Hanako jump up and carefully move the blanket off her but not off enough to show her bare legs as to make sure she is warm(and to make sure he doesn't get any perverted ideas).

He then carefully gets on the side of the bed of her and carefully lays her head on his chest and starts massaging her head with one hand and putting light circles on her back with the other.He hums a soft tune and watches her start to relax and how both of her arms drapes over his chest and she snuggles into him.

He brings the blanket up to cover her and continues with what he is doing and watches her become calmer and relaxes into him as the nightmare seems to vanish and the pain subsides.He rests his head on her head and continues rubbing circles on her back and uses his now free hand(After he's done massing her head) to grabs one of hers and intertwines her fingers with his so he can feel if she squeezes(Its a way for him to check if she is in pain or not) and relaxes himself knowing she is alright for now.

-Time skip-

Note:Yashiro's Pov for now

I carefully open up my eyes noticing the weight i feel in the bed with me and the hand on my back and one holding my hand fingers intertwined with another.When my eyes are fully open ,i can't contain the blush on my face as i notice how i'm basically cuddling with Hanako and not to mention how it seems I'm wearing his jacket to(WITH ONLY MY BRA AND UNDERWEAR UNDERNEATH!😳).I can't help but glance at his sleeping face and see how peaceful he is.I also can't help but chuckle softly at how is hat is seemingly just waiting to fall off his head(his hat moved to the right side of his head and is sorta covering up the side of his face).

I watch how his eyes flutter open and land on me which makes me blush harder than before(I mean hello look at what position where in right now).My face seemingly turning as red as a tomato seems to bring him into his regular flirty joking mood as i watch him give me a small smirk.

      Hanako:Morning Yashiro sleep well~

    He purs and i start squirming around with embarrassment(as i did enjoy this) but suddenly i feel a pain in my side and i flinch and i have clear pain showing on my face and i can't help but notice the look of concern on Hanako's face as he watches me using my free hand to grab at my side as i start to curl up to try to subside the pain.

       Hanako:Yashiro are you okay,Are you in pain?

     I only can nod my head not wanting to let him hear the pain in my voice but all that dose is bring me more pain to my sides from the movement and causing me to push my body into Hanako while clutching my side and tears gliding down my cheeks.I feel Hanako carefully move me off him and is careful enough to not cause me more pain than i already am.

  Hanako:Hold on i'll go get Yako and Tsuchigomori to come handle this.

     I only give a small ok and try my best to relax into the bed as Hanako runs out the room.

Authors note:Hanako is getting Both Yako and Tsuchigomori as Yako is the only one able to patch up Yashiro in certain areas as there both Female and it might make her Uncomfortable haveing Tsuchigomori do it(Cause i mean not only is he male but a fucking spider-) and Tsuchigomori is possibly the best person who knows what to do as he is probably the smartest supernatural Hanako can rely on to help Yashiro.

(BEING REWRITTEN!)His Lovely Daikon(TBHK)-Hananene/Hanako x YashiroWhere stories live. Discover now