Her first time(Smut😳)

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Authors note:IM NGL FREAKING OUT AS IMMA BOUTA WRITE SMUT AND POST IT FOR THE FIRST TIME!(Im very shy and trying to make things I'm normally shy about easier for me to even think about)SO DON'T MIND IF THIS SUCKS AS I'LL TRY MY BEST BUT YEAHHH-😳Anyway enjoy-

Edit a bit through writing this:MY CHEEKS SRE BURNINGGG AHHH🥲.(Word choice of Nipples caused it.)God i can't believe i'm writing it as pretty much detailed as possible that i can manage and i swear i am trying so hard not to scream🤣.This is so long already and it will be longer but after this i hope i can write more wholesome chapters after this one.(AHHHHHH).But whatever you guys like i'll try my best to write😳(God i'm dieing)

Note:Chapter dose contain SMUT and Cussing so proceed at your own risk.😅

     Yashiro's pov:

     Hanako blushes up at me and i gaze away from his eyes.I nod my head and feel him shakily grab my waist and i look at him and he gives me eyes to make sure and i just nod my head.He starts to kiss me again and i bring my hands back to his shoulders and push into him.We break it off and he lowers his head to my neck and starts kissing it."Hah...Ha..na..ko.."~I pur out.I feel his Dick starting to rise but im to caught up to care.He bites down and i moan and start to blush up.Even though i asked for this its still my first time.He kisses the area he bit and then he moves down a spot lower.He kisses the area a few times clearly enjoying any sound i let slip out from the pleasure i feel."Mmm..Hah..Han..ak..o"~I push my self to him enjoying this more than I thought.His hands start to unbutton the borrowed jacket of his I'm wearing and he stays still for a moment and only continues after i nod my head.He kisses me again and asks for entrance as I accept our tongues start dancing together.Once my bra is exposed i blush as i pull away from the kiss and look down."Yashiro...Are you being shy"~.Hanako purs out."I..I..Mph!".He kisses me again and i put arms around his neck as he makes sure its ok first before he starts to massage my Breast through my bra.Soon he starts to give me a hickey in the other side of my neck and all i can do is let myself Pur out moans of pleasure.I help him unbuckle my bra and soon he moves on to attacking my nipples."Hah..Han..ak..o..Mo..re..Ple..as..e"~.I moan out clearly loosing myself to pleasure and just enjoying the moment.Its clear Hanako is enjoying it to as he dick starts prodding at me from his pants.He soon stops and moves on to my other nipple as he Growls out sounds of pleasure as well.Soon i get a idea that makes me blush even harder than from what i'm doing with Hanako.But i let out a sigh and start grinding a bit on the certain area of his pants.I feel him moan as he sucks on my nipple and it sends volts up my spine.I start going faster and soon Hanako stops and pushes me on to the bed so i'm laying on my back.I blush as i see the lust in his eyes and the way his breathing is heavy as his eyes gaze over me."Yashiro"~.I gulp."You,Know i've loved you for a long time know so i have a question,Do you love me to?".I blush red taken aback by how he admitted to having feelings for me for awhile.I nod my head and mutter out softly."I have had a crush on you too for awhile..But i was to scarred you reject me...Of course i love you."I hear him pur approving of my answer."I have one more question"I glance up on him and see him smirk."Am i allowed to do anything i want,I have waited a long time for this~"I blush and turn my face away to nod my head to flustered to answer."I'll be careful okay"~.I nod my head as i feel him pull down my shorts and toss them to the side."Won't be needing these now do ya"~.I watch him stop as he notices the cuts on my legs.He looks up at me sadness filling in his eyes and i look away.I'm taken aback when he places kisses on every cut and dose it for the other leg before he kisses me.When we break away i have tears pricking my eyes."I promise to protect you no matter what from know on".He gives me a sad smile and i nod my head.He kisses me and i wrap my arms around him and moan in the kiss as i feel him fumble with both my breasts as he massages them.Soon he lets one hand wander down to massage my already wet panties.He breaks away and smirks and i blush red even as i notice him blushing but giving me the most lust filled look ever."Yashiro your really wet aren't you"~.I nod my head.He chuckles.He moves my panties to the side and starts massing my sensitive nub and clearly the louder i let out moans of pleasure the more turned on he is.He kisses me and stops a few times to let me breathe."Yashiro i am hoing to insert ok".I nod my face red and i feel him bring his finger to my hole and he carefully slides it in.I let out a moan and he starts pumping his fingers in and out.His free hand grabs my waist and soon i feel a sting of pain in my side and wince.He stops all of sudden and looks at me eyes filled with worry."Yashiro..Di..d..i..hu..rt..You?".I'm taken aback and quick to answer."I'm fine".He looks at me eyes still filled with worry."Really?".I nod my head and soon he sighs relaxing and starts again pumping his fingers in and out of me and now slowly is putting less pressure on my sides.Hah..Ha..an..ako..Mmm..U...Hah...can..insert..another..Hah".I feel him carefully slide another finger in and he goes slow and picks up the face ever so lightly.I feel my self comeing close and so i nod my head at him for him to go faster.I'm not pretty quiet as he rides me up to my First Orgasm and after its done he slowly takes his fingers out as we both pant.He slowly spreads his fingers apart and together again smirking at me.I watch him put his fingers in his mouth and suck all my juices off and lick his lips and i can't stop blushing red which he laughs at."I think your ready for the real thing".He looks me in the eyes and i turn my head away nodding my head and he carefully glides my head back to face him and gives me a resureing look.I watch him slide down his pants and boxer and soon feel him prodding at my entrance."Ready when you are".I look him in the eyes and say "Ready".Soon i feel him slowly insert himself and i can't help the moan and gasp i let out.Slowly he inserts more of him inside me bit by bit until he is all the way in."Hah..Your..Tight...Yash..iro..Re..ady..Ngh..for..me to..move?".He moans out clearly enjoying the warm wetness engulfing him.I nod and he slowly starts pumping in and out and i moan out of pain and pleasure of course and soon the more he goes in and out the easier it is for him to enter.Soon i jolt when he hits a certain spot and see him smirk."Found it~".I blush figuring out to what he was referring to.Soon he kept attacking the spot but not roughly enough to hurt and he kept placing love marks on my neck as our skin slaps together.Soon i feel myself reach close to that point again and he lets me know he is to.I nod my head and we both let it out at the same time as we breathe with him still in me.I blushing red and i notice he has the same look on his face."Can..you..start..going..again?".I ask him as he looks at me with surprise."Yashiro,You dirty daikon"~.I glare at him pouting my lip at him and he laughs.He gives me a small smile and nods his head and kisses me as he pumps himself in and out of me again and again till we both reach another orgasmam together.

-😳After the fuck fest😳-
Hanakos pov:

Yashiro is laying on top me with both our clothes back on and her snuggling into to me and i laugh at the red blush on her face as i keep talking to her about how i loved it when she moaned my name.Soon its quiet until i speak up.."Why did you..wanna..you know..?".I see the look of sadness on her face as she pushes her head in my chest."You know how i'll be dieing soon..".I nod my head the same sadness filling my eyes."I always wanted my first times with you Hanako".She smiles up at me and i smile back up at her and i kiss her face all over and she gigles as i cuddle attack her and call her cute pet names like "darling" and "cutie" and keep saying how much i love her.

Authors note:That was a very wholesome ending to this dirty chapter.BUT FINALLY FINISHED.Probably the longest chapter so far.Also probably the only smut chapter in this book for book one.Next chapter will be when later on in the evening with Hanako and Kou searching for Nene's bully.Well Hanako telling Kou first then that.But yeah kinda sad that this book might have a shorter end as i want more drama for book two then book three to be about a new made up supernatural coming to try to take or rather kill Yashiro.But if you enjoyed this book so far in glad and the rest of the chapters will be probably dark for until Nene finally has her bully delt with.Well bye guys 👋.

(BEING REWRITTEN!)His Lovely Daikon(TBHK)-Hananene/Hanako x YashiroWhere stories live. Discover now