Better if you forgot

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Hanako's pov:

     As yashiro passes out i bring her back in the Infirmary and Gently lay her down."Oh Nene Chan i love you..But if remembering this makes you Sad i don't wan't you to..I love seeing your smile..I love everything about you..The way you fuss over not having a Boyfriend..Your legs..Your hair..Even your strawberry Sugar cookie smell..I love everything about You Nene Chan.."I kiss her Forehead.I smile Sadly at Her before i get up and Leave."Sleep well Yashiro".

     Authors note:Sometimes Hanako will call Nene,Yashiro mainly cause he is  more used to it but also around others who they don't want to know there dating yet.But normally he calls her Nene Chan when it's just the Two of them.(Also sometimes it sounds better for some Sentences to have Yashiro and others Nene chan in my opinion)

    Yashiro's pov:

     I wake up yawing and find Hanako is not in the bed with me.He must have had a Meeting.I notice Yako watching me from a corner."Oh Yako Good morning!"I chirp happily.She gives a small smile and it Vanished just as Fast as it came.So pretty🥺i think to myself"Number 7 will be back soon Yashiro San"I tilt my head at the name."Yash..iro..San?"She looks flustered for a moment and Laugh's to try to hide it.

     "Ah it's nothing!"I smile at her."No you can call me Yashiro San,I don't mind!"I smile at her and she looks surprised before turning her head quickly and i hear her scoff.But i smile brightly since i know how She is.I fidget with my fingers for a bit embarrassed of what i'm gonna ask."Hey.."She looks at me raising a Eyebrow."Can i call you Yako San or Yako Senpai then?"Her face turns pink and i Make sure not to laugh at how Cute i find this Side of Yako."Ah...Sure..Yako Senpai is fine.."Even though she says it quietly i Smile at her Bright."Great!Thank you Yako Senpai!"

     Authors note:I kinda want Yashiro to call Yako,Yako san but knowing Yako's character she probably have Nene call her Yako Senpai first and Maybe consider Yako san.(I searched up the reason for the Kun and San and Chan at the end of Japanese names and i know San is used for Friends and Ect and Siblings call each other by First name cause if i am correct A person calling you by your First name or you Calling someone by there first name is a way to Show your Relationship with them{Like how Aoi calls Nene by her First name in the Anime and Manga(Both sub and Dub)And there both best friends so it makes since},But i'm gonna research more as ngl i am fascinated with Japan and its culture as i been practicing some Japanese and even if i only know a few words i still think thats better than when i learned Spanish as i don't remember Shit man- Anyway I'm writing alot to this book and this Authors note and thinking of starting a Tbhk one shots so i'm prob gonna do that soon!)So since this note is long i'm gonna end it here and instead make the Next chapter Longer

(BEING REWRITTEN!)His Lovely Daikon(TBHK)-Hananene/Hanako x YashiroWhere stories live. Discover now