Hanako enlists a Helper

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     Authors note:I think you already know who he is enlisting based on the picture but otherwise i feel we needed some Tsukaka in here cuase i consider both the Yugi twins precious beans!😤(I mean i also consider there facials expressions horny cause there both Perverted teenage ghost boys living at the school-😅)ANYWAY ONTO THE CHAPTER!

     Hanako's pov:

     I sigh bracing myself to open the door to the Broadcasting room.Never would i think i would ever Enlist and seek out my Younger brother.But he is probably the best person to help me give Nene's bullys a lesson.I was not surprised when the kid confirmed that our person was right.


     "HANAKO!".I hear the kid shouting running at me and i'm ready to run and hide cuase whenever he yells my name and comes running at me he normally shakes me until i feel like passing out.But i stop myself from bolting as fast as i can seeing him bend down to catch his breath in-front of me."Oh hi kid?".I tilt my head as i see him stand up."You know the girl we consider possibly bullying Yashiro senpai?"I nod my head."Well my brother went and talk to her and turns out..."He scratches behind his neck."Turns out what kid spit it out already!""Ok ok,Turns out you were right it is her".I nod my head and my aura darkens as i smile a sinister smile."Ah,I best be going know i have class".I wave goodbye to the kid as he leaves.

-Flashback ends-

     I bring my hand to the door knob.I brace myself a moment before popping in.I see Tsukaka on a couch and her turns around a confused look on his face that soon turns to happiness.I stand there frozen watching him brighten up."Oh sh-""AMANE WHAT BRINGS YOU HERE!".He says jumping and latching onto me.Oh god fucking hell.I sigh."Well i need your help".He lets go of me and looks at me confused."My..Help?".My younger twin tilts his head a question mark appearing.

     "You know Nene chan?"He nods his head very fast."I KNOW ABOUT DAIKON CHAN!"I glare at him some jealousy engulfing me.I only wanna call her a Daikon.."TSUKAKA DON'T CALL HER A DAIKON!".I yell bumping him on the head.He whines and rubs his head."Ow what was that for,Why do you get to call her one but i can't!"He whines crossing his arms and pouting.Jesus this kid.I grab the bridge of my nose and sigh."That doesn't matter,What matters is if you will help me or not".I see him smirk at me."Wait when you were asking me about the Daikon you called her Nene chan".I blush and stand there frozen.OH SHIT I DID!"Oooo~"My brother latches on me once more."MY BIG BRO FINALLY HAS A GIRLFRIEND!"He says Shouting and shaking me back and forth."TSUKAKA STOP SHAKEING ME!".He stops and backs off smiling wide."Have you guys..Had s-"."HAHAH THATS ENOUGH TSUKAKA".I shout covering his mouth flustered as he struggles around."MPMHHH AMMM MM!".He trys pulling my arm off and i sigh as i take it off he glares at me."AMANE WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?".I glare at him back and he pouts."Even if we did why would i tell you?".He folds his arms over his chest."Scuze me for-".I tilt my brow watching him pause and smirk at me."So you guys did do it~".He says wiggling his brows and i blush."HAHAH WHAT MAKES YOU SAY THAT?!".

     He gives me the smuggest grin ever and i glare my face still red."Maybe since you said "Even IF we did".I slap myself in the face.God dammit I totally gave myself away."DOSE THAT MEAN YOU TWO ARE DATEING NOW AMANE?!".He shakes me more grinning like a child."TSUKAKA FOR THE LAST TIME DONT SHAKE ME!"When he lets go i take a moment not to vomit.I blush for a bit before turning my head and nodding.He smiles a childlike grin."So what for you need my help for Amane?".I'm taken aback he got right to the point but shrug my shoulders at it."Turns out Yashiro is getting bullied and i need your help teaching them a lesson".He smirks at me and i glare."What)".He puts his arms behind his back."Ohhh so she is Yashiro now".I glare at him before bocking him on the head."Oh shut up you little rat!".He rubs his head and looks at me fake tears filling his eyes."Owww,Amane stop hitting me".He whines and i roll my eyes."Will you help me or not".He grins a evil smile and his eyes turn black as his Aura darkens."Only if i can rough em real good~".I smile sinister along with him."Of course and long as you don't kill her~"

   Authors note:OOOOOOOO😀.Ngl i been missing Tsukaka and decided it was time he be put in here,you know!😊I mean he may be a little demon after all but man i live his child like behaviour🤣.Anyway next chapter will be the Bully's pov and will involve Violence so yea.

    Short story cuase why not!


Author:Ah,What is it.


-Authors looks at Tsukaka frozen-




-Tsukaka pouts-

Tsukaka:I want to have one cause Amane has one as well!

Author:Ah..Of course..Well sure i guess..

-Tsukaka's eyes sparkle-




Tsukaka:CAN I ALSO (you know😀) HER?!

-Author looks at Tsukaka blankly-

Author:Get out before i make you die twice in your life.


Tsukaka:I WANNA (Bleep) SOMEONE TO!

Tsukaka: THEY CAN (Bleep) MY (Bleep) AND I CAN (Bleep) THERE (BLEEP) AND WE CAN (Bleep)!

-Author looks at Tsukaka blankly red faced and looks disturbed-

Tsukaka:Uh author?

Author:Please leave, I think i need a moment

-Tsukaka smirks noteing Authors red face-

Tsukaka:Ah sure gotcha

-Tsukaka waves goodbye to author still smirking-

Author:I'm gonna Fucking make him regret that one day-

(BEING REWRITTEN!)His Lovely Daikon(TBHK)-Hananene/Hanako x YashiroWhere stories live. Discover now