The fear by the dream

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Authors note:Might change the title as i really didn't know what to put for it so yea-

Edited on:6/3/22

Hanako's pov:

I feel her shaking like she is shivering and hear the sobbing sounds before i see the tears.The look of concern on my face is clear all i can do is try to relax her so i do what i did last time and rub small circles on her back and humming a tune soft and sweet.I keep at this for a few minutes till she finally stops shaking and using my free hand i wipe her tears and she snuggles closer to me.I continue rubbing circles on her back till i hear her murmur something."Hanako".She says softly."I'm here Yashiro".....Silence.

"Do you like my legs?" There is a Blush rising on my cheeks as i'm taken aback but i calm myself down."Like them...I say more like...Love them".I pur out softly to her.I hear her breathing and watch her slowly open her eyes."Even if there Daikon shaped or fat?".I sigh and give her a smile."I don't think there ugly,I think there cute".I see her blush and watch her burry herself in my chest while she lets out a few grumbles of anger at me.I chuckle softly thinking how cute that is."It's pretty dark out you should go back to sleep".I murmur.

"What about you?"She asks me gazing up into my eyes."I'm dead Yashiro i don't need to sleep anymore just like i don't need to breathe".I watch her face become sad."Oh..".I watch her burry her face back in my chest.I didn't mean to make her sad but its the truth.Silence passes."Hanako"."Yes,Yashiro?"She gazes up at me and pulls herself up and puts herself on my lap and she grips onto my shirt collar and My face starts heating up."A..AH..yash..iro.."I basically shout out caught off guard.I soften my expression when i see her head tilt down and feel drops of tears hitting my stomach.""..."".My face turns red again but i take a deep breath.The girl of your dreams is crying and clearly asking you to comfort her much less asking you if you love her.I sigh and put my hand on her cheek and she looks at me shocked."Yashiro,....I already love you".I see her blush and she just sobs more but softer with her head back down and cheak leaning onto my touch."Even if my legs were ugly".I nod my head."Even if your legs were ugly".She crys and i bring my other hand up to her other cheek and sit up slightly so now where face to face."Your beautiful...Yashiro".Her tear stained eyes stare at me and i get lost in them."Even if i was a Daikon".I nod my head."Even if you were a Daikon".We start leaning into each other and before i know it...Our lips connect.I moved my hands to her waist as she moves her hands to my shoulders.As we break apart theres a line of saliva connecting from our lips and both our eyes our half lidded as we stare at eachother.I pull her in for another kiss.Our lips combine once more and all i can do is relax as i finally am kissing the girl i love and have loved for awhile now.

She breaks away to breath.A blush appearing on her face.I laugh."Ah,Was i that good of a kisser"~I pur out.She brings her hands to her face to cover her flustered face."WAHHH,MY FIRST KISS!"I blush.I forgot i just took her first kiss."I'm..Sorry..I didn't know you didn't like it".I drop my hands from her waist and turn my head away.God Hanako,You upsetted her."".I turn my head to come face to face with this Dazzling princess blushing as her Amber eyes meet myn."Can..i".She nods her head.I grab her face and kiss her once more and feel her hands cup my face aswell.She breaks apart to breathe once more her face redder than before."Hanako,I first."I stare at her for a moment confused."Yashiro,I was your first...."My face becomes red as I relised she did not mean first kiss.I look into her eyes." sure?".She nods her head.

Also yes basically next chapter doze contain smut sooooo😳...see ya thereeee

(BEING REWRITTEN!)His Lovely Daikon(TBHK)-Hananene/Hanako x YashiroWhere stories live. Discover now