Little Meeting with No.7

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Hanako's pov:

"Shit,Shit,SHIT!"I yell as I'm trying to get as Fast as i can to the Library to meet up with Tsugchimori and I know he doesn't like People being Late even if it's a Min.I bust through the Door as he Stares at me."Ah,No.7 nice of you to be Early".I take a moment to breathe.He watches me as i sit down in-front of him."I suppose you know why we need to talk?"I nod my head."So your Brother came with a Clearly Barley alive student and Told me to make sure she Didn't die"I gulp and Nod my head."Ami Tanaka was the name of this girl Correct Number 7".I nod my head and give him Eye contact."She is Alive...Barley".I sigh in relief."Thank god Yashiro would Hate me if she Died"He raises a eyebrow at me."Yashiro now is it".I freeze."No.5 what do you mean..Heheh".He smirks at me."Amane i know about you and Mrs.Yashiro dating and well..Other things..."He drags the word Things and i Turn red.What makes it worse is he Used My Name."Lemme guess Yako told you".He shrugs his Shoulders.

"Maybe also the fact i know you as you were Once my Student".I glare at him."My brother also Mentioned something..Didn't he".I growl that last part so he knows i'm Serious."Either way you don't gotta hide it from me".I sigh and Shake my head."As long as no other Wonders know then you will be fine".I look down at the Table."I know this is Hard that you must keep this on the Down low for Yashiro's Safety but it's for the best".I groan at the word."But sometimes to get what we want we have to Follow the rules to keep it".I glare at Him."Just like you and Yako huh~"He stares at me a Blush forming on his Cheeks."That is NONE of your Business No.7".He says avoiding eye contact and Sipping his Coffee.I smile Smugly."Ahah,Got it".He glares at me and i just shrug my shoulders giving a fake Innocent look.

"Anyway if this Girl dose Die you know what will happen".I glance away and Nod my head."Good now you can leave now that we have that Covered".I get up and slowly walk out."Tsuchigmori".I hear a soft Hm."You won't tell the other Wonders about Me and Yashiro...Right?".He sighs."No.7 i have Know you for a Long time and in a Way your like. A Son to me...Something i never have Had before..So you have my Word".I blush a little hearing him call me His "Son". "Alright see ya".He just gives a small wave as i exit.

Authors note:Yes i Ship Yako X Spider Face cause who doesn't and Also i feel if Tsuchigmori could Adopt Hanako he would i mean he May act like he Don't Care but Boi be lying!😤Anyway this isn't the end of this Chapter so don't worry i mean i Promised a Longer chapter after the Last short chapter.

Yashiro's pov:

I'm doodling in a Notebook Yako Senpai gave me Incase i got bored as she Had to go Attend to her Boundary for Something.Hanako walks in just as i Finish a Drawing of Him and i Blush and quickly Cover it up so he Doesn't see.He tilts a Eyebrow at me."Whatcha doing Yashiro?"I gulp and scratch Behind my neck."Oh Nothing Much...Hehe".He Smirks."Nene chan,Your Not Hiding something from me are you~".I gulp.HOW CAN SOMEONE'S VOICE SOUND SO HOT!!😳😤"Hanako why would you even Suggest that...".I say Nervous as he Approaches."Maybe cause you covered up that Notebook you were Doing something in not to Long Ago".I glance to the Notebook then to him."Pftt,This thingggg, i was just Doodling,Nothing more Nothing less".He Smirks at me as he Brings His face closer to myn and i Blush Harder at This"Sure~".I gulp as he Gets closer and close my eyes."Nene chan~".I feel him Grab the Notebook and i Gasp."AHHH,HANAKO WAIT!".I try grabbing it from him but he Doges.I see his Whole Face turn Red as His eyes Glide over the Drawing."Is..This..Me?"I cover my Flustered Face and Nod.

Warning:Some Lime Incoming!

He starts laughing and i Glare at him through my Fingers."IF YOU DONT LIKE IT JUST SAY IT".I say Pouting and Crossing my Arms Glaring at him."Its not that actually".I raise a Eyebrow up as he Lays the Notebook back Beside me Closed and takes my Hands."I love it".I blush at His Words and He kisses my Forehead."You..Do?".He hums and i take that as a Yes.Soon he brings his Head into my Neck and Cuddles in it and i Chuckle."Needy huh Hanako?"He only purs as he Lays kisses on my neck.I stroke his hair as He holds onto my Waist.I hum as he Continues on.Soon he starts sucking and I let a Little moan come out and Blush."Someones sensitive~"He purs slowly."Shut up!".He only Hums in response.He continues on and i Bite my Lip."Stop being Perverted for One second will Ya!".He chuckles."But i know you Love it when i Am,I also know you Love it when I place Kisses here~".I let out a Soft moan as He places kisses on a Certain spot."NOT FAIR HANAKO!".I pout and He laughs."I love you Yashiro".I smile at Him."I love you to Hanako"

Authors note:OKAY I NEED A LITTLE BREAK CUASE FOR SOME REASON FEEL LIKE CRYING LIKE WHAT THE ACTUSL FUCKKK!🥲I'm just trying to write Wholesome shit and My eyes feel Watery outta No where like-

Can't a Person Write Wholesome Shit without Tears-😤Anyway i might have another Lemon scene after this cause i find it Funny to write Wholesome Crap after They Fuck🤣(I'm still Shy and like I Mentioned i am VERY SHY!Like Sometimes its hard for me to Ask my girlfriend to Kiss her even though Every-time we say Goodbye i give Her a Kiss on her Head and a Hug.Like Boi just SPIT IT OUT!🥲But other than that Still gonna Attempt it for a Second time and Not Scream Loud Shy screams again-(Yes i do that i will literally Be Blushing and Screaming of Embarrassment or Just Over Shyness🥲)But this Note is long Enough and Since i can't have a Peaceful sleep i'm gonna Write more so as Im writing this it is 11:10 pm but when i finish writing it might be 2 am something😀But posting will hopefully be Around 7 am or 10 Am which are the Earliest times i wake up around the Most(I am not Gonna include Fucking 5 am as i am Woken up but thats for School So no need to Get into that)Anyway sorry for this and How long it is but onto the Next chapter.(Sad to say but i Think were Getting Closer to the End yall🥲-Good thing i want at least Three books in this Series and Possibly Fourth and Maybe a Fifth if i Have a Idea-)

(BEING REWRITTEN!)His Lovely Daikon(TBHK)-Hananene/Hanako x YashiroWhere stories live. Discover now