Terrbile nightmare

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Authors note:This chapter will all be a dream of Nene and after that the next chapter will be back to Hanako's pov while Yashiro sleeps.

Tw:Being bullied,Blood,Bullying token to far,Violence,Being cut,Blades(Knife)

I wake up or so i think in a dark room with a single flickering light above me.My body seemingly isn't hurting from walking anymore as i start taking steps to a distant light i see.When i get closer i notice  a group of people surrounding something or someone but the thing that there all laughing and kicking at is seemingly out of view.All i can do is watch for some reason planted to my spot and words not leaving my dry mouth.Once they all leave seemingly bored now my eyes widen as i see the figure.Its me in my normal uniform hair down tears streaming down my red and puffy dace clutching at my sides laying on the floor and immense pain showing on my face.Then the light flickers and I'm in a new room.The girls changing room.There one of the people from the group from before comes up behind me and grabs my hands pinning them behind my wrist.But this time instead of another version of me its me.I try to wiggle free of this persons grasp but that only makes them start twisting my wrist and all i can do is cry and scream out pleads to be let go.They bark at me to shut up or i wont have a arm intact.I gulp and just accept my demise as a girl walks in with a posey of two other girls following her lead.One of them is holding a small knife and they all laugh and smile at the fear my face holds."Please..I mutter..".The person behind me twists my arm more and i cry out in pain.The girl with the knife approaches me and i see her bend down and lay the knife on my leg."Such ugly legs.."She murmurs.All the girls agree at her comment and i only can let tears fall down my cheeks."Don't worry poor Yashiro we can make them pretty".All the girls murmur a resounding yes and all i can do is shake my head and try wiggling free but all that dose is make the knife press in my skin and i see blood trickle down.I cry harder and the girl starts talking again."The more you move the worse this is,now be a good girl and let me work some magic on your fat legs".The girls laugh as i cry harder and harder and keep trying to break free as cuts our laid on my legs .Soon the person holding me drops me on the floor and i collapse.One of the girls clean up the blood puddle and murmurs in my ear"Tell anyone about this and it wont be just your leg being cut".I nod my head and after there gone i get up and proceed to crying into my legs.

Authors note:Honestly i feel sad writing this chapter but its supposed to explain how Yashiro got cuts on her legs.So yea the characters who did it will be totally made up and of course not be from the actual manga as i don't own these characters.But other than that i put trigger warnings as much as i could so sorry if anyone gets triggered by this but i tried my best to warn you.Making sure thats in place.Also next chapter will be way more cute and less sad as Hanako will try comforting Yashiro.

Also this is why Yashiro doesn't get much sleep as she has nightmares about the bullying she is getting and what she mentioned by saying people make her pay.Anyway sorry for this chapter being a bit darker but hope you still enjoyed.

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