With Tsukaka

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Author note:So i Honestly don't know why i wrote another you know-But lets continue on and Start Chapter 20.

    Tsukaka 's pov:

     Sakura has her Hands on her hips and Glaring at me and Weird Simp boi is Talking to Mitsuba as they eye us.I look at her giving a Innocent look."You almost KILLED someone!?"I see Mitsuba and Simp looking at Me Frozen and I shrug my Shoulders at Her."Well Amane asked me to Give her a beating".She shakes her head and Sighs.

    "I don't think that Your Brother would want you to Kill someone no matter the Situation".I Consider this for a Moment."Well she didn't Die did she now".She looks at me Blankly and just Shakes Her Head Sighing."This isn't over"I Shrug my Shoulders as she Walks Off and the Simp quickly Follows suit."Um...Tsukaka.".Mitsuba slowly approaches me and i Raise a Eyebrow at him."What...Did..Green Bob Senpai mean?"(Idk what Nickname he Choses for her so i Gave a random one)"Oh just that i almost Murdered a Girl".

     He looks at me Petrified and i Smile Wide at Him."Mu..rde..d?"I nod my Head."GOT THAT RIGHT MITSUBA!".He shivers."Al..righ..t" I float Infront of him and he Jumps."EEP!".I smile."You sound girly when you scream".He glares at me."I..just..Screamcutelyto,YEA THATS IT!".I Grin at him."Alright~".He Pouts at me and i hang on to him making him Shiver."Mitsuba~".He shakily turns his head up.

    "Y...ye..yes..?"He gulps.I pat his head."Its alright".He stares at me Blankly."Imposter".He says backing in a Corner.I tilt my head at him as Simp and Sakura enter."My lady let me open to door for you~".Natshiko Sparkles.She stares at him before Walking into the Room."What did you do this time Tsukaka".She stares at Mitsuba."He said its alright and Patted my head,SUCH A IMPOSTER WHO IS PERVERTED ENOUGH TO TOUCH MY CUTE HEAD!"The simp just stares at Me."Runt are you sure its you?".I tilt my Head."Huh,Yeah just thought to Sooth Mitsuba".Everyone stares at me.Both Mitsuba and Natshiko cling onto Sakura."Get off me".She says Trying to pry them off."My Lady don't worry i'll Protect you!".She pauses."Get off me Before i make you".He crys getting off."My Lady how cold".He mutters in a Corner.


(BEING REWRITTEN!)His Lovely Daikon(TBHK)-Hananene/Hanako x YashiroWhere stories live. Discover now