Morning Wake up Call

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      Hanako's Pov:

     I wake up in the Infirmary with Yashiro Beside me,Her Hair is a bit Messy but still Beautiful.She is Stirring a Bit and i Kiss the Crown of the Her Forehead."Morning Nene~".She Blinks Her Eyes a bit at Me."Oh,Morning Hanako..".She Pushes Herself up and Rubs her Eyes."Enjoy last Night~".She stares at me Confused until it Hits her and she Starts Blushing Red."HANAKO KUNNNN!".She Yells Hitting me.I Chuckle and Grabs her Hands."Yea Morning to Princess~".She turns her Head and i see Her Blushing.

    "HANAKOOOOOO"I hear someone Yell and We both Look over to see a Angry Kid Jumping on the Bed and Shaking me."I JUST HEARD FROM SPIDER FACE YOUR BROTHER ALMOST KILLED SOMEONE NOW SPILL IT OR I WILL BEAT THE CRAP OUTTA YOU!".I watch Yashiro stare at us."Uh..Kou".He Pauses and Looks towards Yashiro."Ah,Senpai..".He drops me and i Bang my Head on the Pillows.

     "Wait.."He turns to Face me Blushing."WHY ARE YOU IN BED WITH SENPAI!".Now me and Nene are both Blushing."ITS NOT LIKE THAT KOU KUN!".He Raises a Eyebrow at Yashiro."He was Making sure i was ok!".He looks at me and i Shrug my Shoulders."What can i say its the Truth".I Smirk at Him.He gets Irritated."Whats so funny.."I look Him in the Eyes."Bet you Wish you could be in Bed with Yashiro,Kid~".They both start Blushing.

   "HANAKO!".The kid Yells Bonking me on the Head.I push the kid off me and Hold on to Nene."YASHIRO THE KID IS BEING MEAN!".He looks Mad at me."HOW THE FUCK AM I?!"He says Shouting at me."YOU HIT ME!".I whine with Fake tears.Yashiro Hugs me Tight."Kou Kun don't be Mean to Hanako!".she says Hugging me Closer."I -NOT YOU TO SENPAI!".I stick my Tongue out at Him."Kou you gotta go!".Yashiro says Pouting."But why?!".She Motions toward a Clock."Class time-".He Bolts and Runs off.I Laugh.

     "Yashiro~".She Kisses me and Catch's me off Guard.I pull back Blushing.She Burys her Head in my Chest."I wanna do something with you!".I Chuckle Patting her Head.I bring her Face up to Myn."Alright~".I Kiss her Forehead and Scoop her up."TO NO.2!".She starts Blushing."WAIT I NEED GET CHANGED!".I look at Her Nightgown.I then Set her Down and Hug her."Stand still".Soon she is Changed into a Simple Attire."Thank you..".She Mumbles.I Grab her Hands and Kiss Them."No Problem Nene".I Smile at Her and she Smiles back.I grab her Bridal Style and Float off with her of course Blushing.

(BEING REWRITTEN!)His Lovely Daikon(TBHK)-Hananene/Hanako x YashiroWhere stories live. Discover now