Chapter 37. Double showdown

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Y/n's POV:

"El, if you happen to see Cindy tonight, then please let's do without any take-downs, okay?" I ask as I straighten the thin red tie of standing next to me Elizabeth, aka the main suit fan. "By the way, what kind of event are we even going to right now?"

"No promises, sweetheart," she gives me an uncertain smile, causing me to playfully roll my eyes at her stubbornness. "It's an anniversary party for one of our partner company's CEOs," she adds, taking her purse with one hand and my own with the other, heading for the door.

"Why do we even have to be there?" I whine quietly, following her without any resistance. "And I'm serious about Cindy. Our parents along with other important people will be there, if I'm not wrong, so we have to avoid making scenes, right? You can deal with her any other day."

"Baby, I'm a professional and I know how to handle situations like this," she smiles at me again, squeezing my hand reassuringly as we enter the spacious elevator. "I wish I could kiss you right know," Elizabeth says in the half-whisper and her gaze falls to my lips with freshly applied lipstick while I just share a smile with her, stroking her hand with my thumb.

"You'll certainly get what you want a bit later. Besides, we spent the half a day in bed since the morning, wasn't that enough?" I ask, biting my lip and hinting at our recent several hours of sensual affection, expressed both in the simple cuddles along with slow kisses and in bringing each other over the edge of pleasure.

"Don't tease," Elizabeth doesn't stop smiling and looking at me with all the warmth she has in her heart for a mere second, barely managing to contain a wider smile.

"I'm not," I innocently bat my eyelashes and when I almost reach my lips to her neck to leave an imprint of my lipstick there, the elevator doors open to let us into the bright hall of the building and I, with a slightly disappointed sigh, follow Elizabeth to her car.

"Your manners are exceptional," I comment, holding out my hand to Elizabeth, who had just opened the door for me, having walked around the car and smiling politely at me.

"The best girl deserves the best treatment," she replies, helping me out of the car and then setting it to alarm, but releasing my hand as she notices the crowd of people heading to some fancy restaurant which name I already can't remember.

"I feel extremely hot at such events, but still kinda out of place," I voice my thoughts, looking around and then shifting my gaze to my girlfriend, who nods at me knowingly.

"We probably shouldn't act today like we normally do just yet, because there are too many of our colleagues here, right?" I wonder, not feeling any resentment towards Elizabeth for this, because I fully understand her position and I myself don't burn with the desire to gab about our relationship in order to avoid any rumors.

"Are you okay with this?" Elizabeth cautiously inquires, sneaking her hand onto my lower back, gently stroking it as if to let me know that she is always with me anyway.

"Yes, totally," I reply without hesitation, giving her a genuine smile, "but be prepared for me becoming touch starved in like two hours already," I add, sharing a playful smile with her.

"As long as you're like that only with me. Let's go now," she says, giving me the last loving glance before we proceed to join the crowd of people in the restaurant.

It turned out that we missed the official boring part of the celebration, if there was one at all, and fortunately we came straight to the party when all the guests had already gathered. As usual, I only recognize the faces of our company employees and people I have seen at similar events before, but still more than half of them are completely unfamiliar to me, so I had to squeeze myself into some group of my colleagues, while Elizabeth spent time chatting with many different people here.

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