Chapter 3

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( A/N: Aurora's POV)

~ Back at the Salvatore boarding house

Stefan told me to write down what I feel, then burn it. Thinking it'll help calm me down from having another panic attack.

I could tell he thinks it's because I'm still in shock from what I witnessed tonight.

That's not the case, I realized that since we went back in time my Master could be anywhere right now. Since he's not dead in this timeline. So once I somehow managed to calm down somewhat, Stefan said to write so here it goes.

Tonight I went into my head space in front of people, which I hated.  Yet they didn't mind, how odd.  In other news, I've  finally have met the Salvatore brothers. 

Damon is exactly how I imagine what he would be like. Annoying, Cocky, Sarcastic, love-able ( Sometimes), However Stefan, well he seems more nicer than I thought he would be. I can't quite  describe him other then nice.  Maybe I just need to get to know him more? 

Yet For some reason I felt safe around him. Why? How could he bring me out of my head space? Why do I feel this pull to him?  Maybe it's that soulmate bond?  It won't matter, I have Lucifer. 

Yet the mere thought of Lucifer hurts, he doesn't remember.  It feels as if someone ripped out a side of me I need to keep me sane. That I crave even. Maybe I'll see him again one day. if I see him now I know I'll break down crying. 

Maybe become everything I was always told to be, an abomination.

No. I can't do that to Hope.  I won't. She means everything to me. I have to fight for Hope, If I have to keep fighting these miserable thoughts, then I'll do it for her.  Hope deserves everything. I can't let her give up anymore than she has, she deserves to get a chance to be with her family.

I on the other hand don't, I mean I haven't met any of them. Why should I?  They'll be dead anyway's or just simple leave.  Everything will go down just like it already did or will? 

From the most worries,

Aurora Celeste Mikaelson.

 I put down the pen and my fished note on the nightstand.  I went to get a drink of water. Upon coming back to the guest room, I sat back in my chair as I took a sip from my drink. I place the drink on the nightstand as I picked up the note. 

" Incendia." I cast as blue fire appeared all over my hand as the note burned.

 The note burned away, I put out the fire that was in my head

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 The note burned away, I put out the fire that was in my head. I could feel a pair of eyes watching me, nothing new there. 

" I think we should talk." I heard Stefan say as his footsteps grew closer towards me.

" Okay." I say as I look up and see he's now sating across from me on the bed.

" Well, first things first. Do you know what mates are?" Stefan asks, looking at me with a little bit of fear in his eyes. Almost like he's scared of something as well nervousness, dame mate bond. 

I'm about to answer  when I felt Hope's emotions go from clam-ish to anger. 

" Aurora? Are you okay? Aurora, can you hear me?" I hear Stefan ask frantically almost like he's worried. 

Why does he care so much about me? He doesn't even know me.  He's going by some mate bond then getting to really know me, well what a Bloke Fish. He's also Married!!  Well in my time he's married and dead. Ugh!!! I hate time travel!!

I feel Hope's anger rising within seconds almost like she is about to lose control. Again . I need to get out of here and save Hope.

" Yeah, I'm.... I have to go." I say with a bit of sadness in my voice. I portal  myself to where I'm thinking Hope will be. The Grill. 

Great job not making that even more uncomfortable. 

(A/N: Small time skip) 

~ Outside the Grill 

As I walk up to the main door's with my bag, I made appear.  I  suddenly stop in my  tracks as I remember who Hope is with.  

"What if Hope hasn't told him about me? What if he doesn't want to know me? What if I do get to know him and I still won't remember him when I get back to my timeline?"  I thought to myself as questions spun around in my mind like a tornado. 

I sigh out bring myself out of my own thoughts and push open the doors, then walked inside.  

"Whoa nothing has changed here." I thought to myself as I admire the restaurant, as  I look around the room for Hope. 

"Where could she be?!  It's a small town!!!  How hard is it to fine someone?" I thought, as I didn't see Hope anywhere. 

I walk over a small table and sit down as I pull out my drawing book as well as a pencil.

I guess heading some of my things at the boarding house in my time was a smart move after all. Ha! Take that Lizzie!!  Maybe Hope will show up? I start to draw what I have been feeling lately . 

 (A/N: Small time skip) 

I feel a tap on my shoulder which causes me to jump.  I look behind me and see a waiter looking at me with small smile.

" Sorry for scaring you." The waiter says.

" No, that's okay." I say with a smile.

" We are closing up." The waiter says to me then left to start putting up chairs.

" Alright." I say as I pack up my things. I quickly look at my artwork I finished. I smiled satisfied at my work feeling less stressed than before. 

I  finish packing up my things, I look at the clock on the wall which reads  11:00 pm.  I walk out of the Grill and start heading  towards the Falls. 

Maybe I could just do a Locator spell then go for a swim... Maybe swim first then locator spell.

" Ugh, I don't know." I say out loud as I walk into the woods heading towards the falls.

( A/N: Aurora's Artwork is down below.) 

A/N: Thank you for reading this chapter

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A/N: Thank you for reading this chapter. I hope you all have an amazing day. 

- R

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