chapter 5

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( A/N: Third Person POV)

 Hope arrives at the Falls and she starts to follow what she calls her Aurora Tracker Instincts. Hope ends up in an underground cave and finds Aurora using her magic to light candles, Hope notices Aurora was about to do a Locator spell.

" Great minds think alike."  Hope thinks to herself. 

" Why do we always get separated in the worst times?" Hope asks as she makes her presence known. 

Aurora looks to see Hope standing there with a smile on her face.  Aurora bolts towards Hope while tears stream down her face uncontrollably. Aurora soon jumped-hugged Hope.

Aurora holds onto her very tight fearing Hope may get taken away again.

The mere thought made Aurora go into her headspace which causes Aurora to hold on tighter and start to cry more into Hope's neck.

" No leave," Aurora mumbles into Hope's neck as she cries.

Hope held onto Aurora in her arms with one arm wrapped around her waist and another under her bum.

Hope walked towards a wall that was surrounded by candles that Aurora placed around.

Hope carefully slid down the wall and sat on the ground while Aurora cried in her arms. Hope rubbed Aurora's back in an up-and-down motion to try and calm her down.

" Let it out baby bear, everything's going to be okay," Hope says in a calming tone.

Hope held onto her twin tighter as she realized that Aurora will probably end up back in that place again. Since this is the past. Anything could happen if they are not careful.

" Why bring us back in time? What was the point?" Hope thought to herself as she noticed Aurora ended up crying herself to sleep which made Hope hold onto her even tighter.

Hope soon to fall asleep thinking about what their next move should be.

( A/N: The next day)

As Aurora woke up in Hope's arms feeling safe once again, her big space kicked back in. Aurora slowly got up, not wanting to wake up Hope.

Aurora started to stretch her body, after she was done Hope woke up and did the same thing.

" What happened after Kidnapper-Guy took you?" Aurora asks Hope, once they were done stretching.

Hope laughed at the nickname she referred to their dad.

" Well, it's better than some other nicknames she has said." Hope thought to herself.

" Well, I told him the short version of the backstory about our lives and everything leading up to it." Hope says.

Aurora giving Hope the look that reads '' What else."

" Included me telling him about you. I did leave out most of the abuse parts, I figured you can tell him those parts when you are ready. I did have to tell him about you being a little and the basics on that." Hope adds.

" You didn't tell him I'm engaged to a god nor told him that you have an on-again-off-again relationship with Landon.  You told him the basics about me without going into detail." Aurora summaries what Hope says in a dull tone.

" Pretty much." Hope adds with a smile on her face.

" I'm guessing you threatened him that if he ever hurt me, you would kill him," Aurora adds with her left eyebrow raised.

" I didn't say those exact words but yes." Hope admits with sarcasm in her tone.

Aurora laughs while shaking her head.

" What?" Hope asks. 

" Nothing, just know you are the best twin ever. " Aurora say with a smile on her face. 

Aurora uses her magic to switch their clothes to fresh new ones.

( A/N: Hope's Outfit is up above and Aurora's outfit is down below just out of the jar of weed and the two necklaces and added in Aurora's engagement ring necklace. Along with the twin's bracelet.)


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" You want to get food? Then you can tell me more about Kidnapper-guy. " Aurora asks  Hope with a smile as they feel more refresh to be wearing clean clothes. 

Hope laughs. 

" As long as it involves coffee then yes," Hope says with a smile.

" Well duh," Aurora says as she grabs her bag and takes one last look around to make sure the candles were out than makes a portal.

Both Hope and Aurora walk through the portal.

(A/N: Small time skip)

~ At the Grill

After the Mikaelson Twins were halfway done eating their breakfast and Hope told Aurora everything that happened last night, vice versa.

" Kidnapper-guy wants to break what he has and he needs a witch, Vampire, and a Werewolf. Along with some other stuff. He thinks Elena needs to die to break the cures and to make Hybrids by just using his blood and then killing them. Making them sired to him. " Aurora says piecing together their father's intentions for the next full moon.

" However that's not the case when he needs Elena's blood to make more Hybrids to be sired to him and no one knows the true cures but us," Aurora adds, looking at Hope.

" Yup, pretty much." Hope nods her head as she took a bite from her food.

Aurora sighs out loud.

" What should we do? Do we tell anyone?" Aurora asks as her mind starts going overdrive.

Suddenly Aurora gasps out loud as she realizes something major.

" What? What is it?" Hope asks.

" The full moon comes up in a few days, both my mermaid side and werewolf side will come out at the same time. Which will be more painful and longer the alpha transformation, I didn't release my wolf last month." Aurora explains.

" I'll be there with you the whole time. I know you can do this. " Hope says in a calming tone. 

 "What should we do?" Aurora asks with a sigh changing the topic once more.

While she looks threw her bag for some money she stored.

" We should go to the Salvatore boarding house and offer Elena a deal on our dad's behalf," Hope says.

" Or we could be rich troubled teenagers for the day and head to L.A. for some fun," Aurora suggested with a smirk.

" I don't know Dawn," Hope said not sure if it was a good idea. 

" Oh come on, you are the one who always says she wants to be a teenager right, well now's your chance. If you don't want to go to L. A then let's hit New York instead." Aurora says begging  Hope.

Aurora did have a point and their problems are going to be there when they get back.

" Okay." Hope caved as they paid for their food and Aurora grabs her bag. Hope looped Aurora's arm with hers and start to head toward the alleyway.

A/N: Thank you for reading this chapter. I hope you all have an amazing day/night/evening.

- R

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