Chapter 13

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(A/N: Time skip to the ball. Aurora's not in her head space anymore. Aurora's outfit is up above. Aurora's POV)

After I switched outfits, I liked this one a lot more. I feel this outfit is more meaningful than the other dress I had originally chosen to wear. This dress reminds me of the wedding dress I had looked at to get some inspiration for my own wedding.

" You look beautiful, Dawn." I hear Hope say as I turn around to look at her.

Huh I didn't even hear her knock.

" Thanks. I know we agreed to twin-" I began to say but Hope cut me off.

" It's alright. We should head down there." Hope says as she holds out her arm waiting for me to hook mine in her's.

Everyone says malevor has to be killed by the blood of all three creatures he came from;

( A witch, Werewolf and vampire) However no one says it has to be Hope.

What if I could kill two birds with one stone. I could make my 7 year old self contact Inadu or as most know her as The Hollow into combining our magic together. It would save the Mikaelson family and Hope.

Let the years go by for the younger me. Then present self me could unlock my vampire side and makes London's father merge inside London's body and kill him with my blood.

Better I do it then Hope. If she does kill him, I know for a fact Hope would flip the switch. I'm not letting that happen.

I pulled out my thought's when I felt Hope's hand tighten? Why is Hope feeling concerned? I didn't have time to question Hope's emotions as we walked into the ball area. Gasps fill the room, I keep my eyes on the windows behind the hundred people. I really hate balls.

The last Ball I attended was at the Miss Mystic Falls Pageant, Lizzie made me part take in. I did like to dress up and I liked the reaction Lucifer had made when he saw my outfit.

In the end I won the pageant however I later found out that the dress I had worn was also worn by Hayley Marshall, my biological mother. I felt emotional wearing it. I was glad Lucifer and Hope were there otherwise I didn't think I would have handled it so well.

Anything from that family is emotional for me, besides if it was given to me by Hope. I blocked out most of what Sea Bass and Suit Man (Esther and Elijah) had said, I began to feel stars on me.

Not the kind people do when admiring an outfit but the kind where people look more so at the person then what's on them.

" Please find a partner and join us on the dance floor." I heard Suit-Man say as I zoned back in.

WHAT?!! I have to dance in Heels!!? Why didn't I wear flats? Fuck sacks!! I moved closer to Hope's side.

" How big did you say the ice cream is?" I ask her in a whisper tone, even though I know the vampires can hear me. Whatever happened to mind you're own business?

" I didn't." Hope answers back in the same tone as me while she laughs a little.

" It better be massive and there has to be Alice and Wonderland Involved. " I tell her, well more like Demanded. While we begin to walk down the stairs.

" Most definitely,Bears." Hope says as we finally make it to the bottom of the stars.

" You look beautiful." I hear a British voice behind me. I know that voice all too well.

" Mud-Man, you're an A-hole!!! First you somehow made me go back in time knowing I can't change the events only prolong them. Then you mock me that my fiance probably doesn't remember me in my timeline. To top it off by bringing him here to mock me some more. FUCK YOU!!!!" I yelled in my head as I felt my dark side pushing to be released as I pushed back even harder.

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