chapter 20

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A/N: The next day, Alison's POV

Drinking, Dancing, the lights, bodies pressed together. I felt alive, I felt free last night. I open my eyes as my head pounds like a hammer or maybe a knife?

"Morning, gorgeous." I hear Enzo say as I groan, with enough energy I slowly get out of the bed. I look down feeling colder than usually and see I'm not wearing any clothes, not even a underwear or a bra. Meh, fuck it.

"Why am I naked?" I ask him after I slowly walk over to the mini fridge and take a shot of whiskey.

"You started to take your clothes off in the club where I found you in, last night. " Enzo says answering my question as I drink another shot.

Suddenly I'm being pinned up against the wall by Enzo thanks to his vampire abilities. Now I regret letting him tag along.

That's what you get for not listening to our warnings or even screams for that matter.

I hear Inadu say in my mind with such a sassy tone, ugh I don't wanna deal with this right now.

"Don't you think you've had enough? Why don't you get dressed and we can go back to Mystic Falls?" Enzo asks me.

"Oh sweetheart, I haven't even started." I say with a smirk and than snap his neck with my magic.

He falls down to the ground letting me go in the process, such a handsome man yet his mouth talks too much.

Wow. you're judgmental in your choice of men, maybe that's why you keep pushing Mr. Salvatore away?

I hear Inadu in my head.

No, it's the fact we or I am engaged and as a faithful fiance I am, I'll not be with anyone else time line or not. Until Lucifer has given me or us a yes that's it's okay to be with the others. 

I hear Aurora say defending herself to Inadu.  This headache begins to fell more like a Jack hammering situation.

"Shut the fuck up!!" I exclaim in my mind, there's got to be a way to shut up these two while I'm in control.

I sigh out in annoyance then I head to the bathroom and get all washed up. Maybe I should leave Enzo in Mystic Falls and send a clear message to Wonder Twin?

The girl has got to take the hint, if you've  tried once with the locator spell and it doesn't work. Don't fucking keep trying, their is a reason why I cloaked myself. To not be bothered 

A/N: Time skip to Alison showing up at the Mikaelson family's mansion in Mystic Falls. Alison's Outfit is up above, Third Person POV.

After Damon reveals the number of steaks that could kill most of the Mikaelson 
Family minus Freya Mikaelson, Hope and Aurora. Alison appears behind Stefan just when he asks Klaus what's wrong with him.

"Oh I don't know, insanity runs in this family long before vampires came to exist. This family invented the term; Pain in the ass. " Alison says gaining the whole room's attention towards her showing different emotions.

Alison mainly looks ahead towards Damon, the memories of Jonathan's punishments flashed in her mind like a camera going off every minute or so.

Alison quickly heads towards Damon and grabs a hold each hand cuffs trying to burn them with her magic only to see glowing redness. Alison stops for a second and looks at Klaus in a way he'd wish to never see; The look of betrayal.

The rage at her Father, Alison turns back to Damon and silently chats a spell to melt the chains off of Damon. While he yells out in pure burning pain, nothing he ever felt before. Damon soon is released and magically flung into Stefan's arms thanks to Alison, who continues to chant silently as the burning red hot metal runs down her skin and onto her back scars not uttering a sound.

The rage out weighed all pain for Alison, Aurora and Inadu. For once they all agreed on something, the hurt. Alison stops the chanting and turns to face Klaus who looks deeply concerned as does the rest of them.

"Burn in hell." Alison says, ripping off the bracelet that Hope gave her and roughly places it into Klaus's hands looking at him as if he just lost any chance of a bond between them.

No, Klaus just lost his daughter and made a enemy all in one second.

"What did you do?" Hope asks eyeing her father as she comes into the room just when Alison flashes out again.

Hope sees the bracelet in Klaus's hands and Damon's state then back to the piece of jewelry. Klaus looks confused and hurt all at once while the other three look beyond confused. Hope's eyes turn yellow and indigo, Alison may have no emotion but their bond is powerful beyond comprehension. Hope let's out a growl, everyone became fearful.

A/N: Thank you for reading this chapter, have a great day.


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