Chapter 4

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(A/N: Third person POV )

~ At the Salvatore house

Stefan stands in Aurora's guest room for the night much to Damon's dismay. Stefan looks confuse as ever.

" What just happened? Aurora is apart of the Supernatural world?! " Stefan thought to himself completely baffled by the action his soulmate performed in front of him.

Stefan begins to think back on what he may said to trigger something to cause Aurora to run or in this case flash away.

When suddenly Stefan hears the doorbell ring, he quickly looks over towards the clock. It readers; 5:00 PM. He sighs to himself as he walks downstairs to answer the door.

Upon arriving at the door Stefan puts on a smile and opens the door only to reveal the girl that made Bonnie go unconscious.

" What are you doing here?" Stefan asks not unsure how he feels about this girl.

" I'm looking for my sister. Have you seen her?" Hope asks, getting straight to the point.

Hope can smell Aurora's scent in the house as well as on him, which either means she's here or just left.

Hope knows she's being a little pushy and she doesn't care at this moment, all she cares about is finding her twin.

" I don't know who you are talking about." Stefan states thinking this girl has got the wrong house while he starts to close the door.

Hope quickly stops the door with her hand from closing on her and she push the door open, silently signalling that she's not done with this conversation.

" I can smell her sent all over you." Hope says as her eyes begin to glow yellow.

Hope roughly grabs Stefan's arm much to his dismay and begins to show him an image as to what her sister looks like. Within a few minutes Hope let's go Stefan's arm but her glowing yellow eyes held eye contact with Stefan's green eyes.

" oh god, I'm mated to my enemy's youngest daughter!!." Stefan thought to himself as he came to realization.

" Now, let's try this again. Where is she?" Hope asks once more.

" I'm telling you the truth, I really don't know." Stefan answered.

" Last I saw her was when I started to tell her about soulmates. With in a few seconds her eyes changed colour to an mixture between light baby blue and violet. Then she suddenly told me she had to leave and flashed out. " Stefan explains.

" Great, she could be anywhere. Well time for plan B, locator spell." Hope thought to herself.

Hope sigh in frustration.

" Well, thanks for the help." Hope says as she turns around and starts to walk back to Alaric's Apartment.

Stefan wants to find some way to know about his soulmate's backstory. He knew it may be wrong to go snooping around, instead of just waiting for her to open up to him herself.

However he knew just by the brief conversations he's had with Aurora he's not going to get anything.

" Does she do that a lot?" Stefan asks quickly, cursing the girl to turn around looking at him confuse until she realizes what he's referring to.

" I think her name is Hope from what Aurora said in a baby-talk kind of way." Stefan thought to himself.

" Depends on who it may concern. Why do you care?" Hope states as she put her arms over her chest and asks towards the end.

Stefan saw that he's going to have to tell Hope about him being Aurora's soulmate in order to get some information about Aurora's backstory.

Wishing there was some other way around to avoid that, it doesn't seem to be an options at the moment.

" Why don't you wait here for her? She may come back here from wherever she went. " Stefan says avoiding her question as he moves to let Hope inside.

Hope's curious grew as to why he avoided her question and replaced it with another question.

" Alright. Thanks." Hope says as her curiosity outweighed the cons in her head.

Hope walks past Stefan as he closes the door behind him.

" Nothing has changed a whole lot here either." Hope thought to herself.

Hope sees Stefan motioning her towards the library and Hope follows after him.

" Why were you discussing soulmates with Aurora?" Hope asks getting right into it yet again as she sit down in the arm chair.

Stefan takes a small breath in as he sits across from Hope.

"I wanted to tell her that I'm her soulmate." Stefan says admittedly.

Hope sits there with her mouth hangs open in pure shock running through her body.

Stefan thought it must be best to continue on talking before Hope does anything.

After Stefan finished explaining the basics about soulmates, Hope sit in her chair in silence.

" If I kill him now, will it affect anything in my timeline?" Hope thought to herself as many imagine of Hope killing Stefan in many different horrifically ways filled her mind.

( A/N: Small time skip)

After a few hours of Hope making threats towards Stefan and making sure Stefan knew she wasn't kidding around. Hope somehow calms down and looks at Stefan with a smirk.

" The test's start next week. I would make sure your body can handle pain. Tip: Mix half human blood bags with half Animal blood. You'll need it." Hope says to Stefan who's trying to hide his sacredness but Hope saw it in his eyes.

Hope then flashes back to Alaric's place with both her arms in blood and a little bit on her face. Mostly Stefan's blood. Just in time as Stefan's phone starts to ring.

Upon Hope arriving back at Alaric's place, Klaus begins to starts questioning his eldest were about's as he sees the bloody.

Meanwhile Hope ignores her father and heads to the bathroom with a smirk as she reads the clock on the wall, which read 11:00PM.

Then proceed to walk into the bathroom and clean up.

( A/N: Yet another small time skip)

Hope feels more comfortable and clean yet restless by the thought of unsuccessfully finding Aurora the mundane way.

Hope begins to use a Locator spell on Aurora by using her own blood after all blood is stronger then any object.

Hope looks down at the map and reads the location, Hope quickly rises to her feet and opens the bedroom door.

" Dad, I'm heading out!!!" Hope calls out as she quickly flashes to the Waterfalls not waiting for her dad to respond.

A/N:. Thank you for reading this chapter. I hope you all have an amazing day.


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