chapter 23

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A/N: The next day, Alison's POV

I look in the mirror wearing just a bra and underwear as I see; The love bites, bruises and vampire marks that Stefan left from our freaky session last night. Suddenly I'm being pinned up against a wall?!! 

I groaned due to the sudden impact and look at who's pinned me up. I really don't want to be kicking anyone's ass at the crack of stupid, only to be met with a man I hate the most besides, Jonathan and Charles Kent. 

Charles was my master before Jonathan came into the picture. However, the guy who's holding me up by the neck, is named Derek Cooper. A guy who saved Aurora, only to be killed by yours truly. In my defense, I didn't mean to kill him. I meant to help save him from Charles as a thank you from saving Aurora which led to his death. An unfair death out of anger by Charles but it still was my choice. Well mine and Aurora's.

"Unfair doesn't describe his death. It was either I kill him quickly or watch his death slowly and painfully, knowing I could've ended his suffering. He didn't deserve to die." I think to myself, suddenly feeling this new emotion rising within me.

"You're feeling guilty about Derek Cooper's death, Alison. It means you are starting to feel emotions then just anger, rage and disgust. " I hear Inadu say in my head as I think back to Aurora, remembering how hard she took his death.

In truth I know deep down Aurora is still not healed from Derek's death, he was truly the only one who at that time cared for Aurora and myself. I hate him, for making me care so much about him. Wait... oh shit this isn't Derek  it's Jonathan. 

I hear a low wild animal like growl, suddenly emerges from Stefan's lips. He wastes no time and grabs Jonathan's hand that holds me to said wall. I hear Jonathan's bones breaking in his hand. Soon enough I'm free from his hold and Stefan then throws Jonathan towards the bedroom door as Stefan's vampire face comes out to play. 

"Don't worry, little Alison. You'll get bored soon." Jonathan says looking at me as he smirks, then disappears.  Stefan quickly turns to face me as I continue to look at the spot where Jonathan laid a second ago. 

" Are you hurt?" I hear Stefan ask me. 

A/N: Outfit is above, third person POV

Alison ignores Stefan as her mind goes a mile a second, trying to figure out how this could've happened.  The feeling of shock and unsureness rush's throughout her body, Aurora however took this as an opportunity to regain control.  She felt so much rage, towards her birth father, Jonathan and Alison that she begin to understand more about her true capability. While Stefan sees Aurora somehow flipped the switch back on, which confused him greatly.

"Aurora, what's going on?" Stefan asks concern, as Aurora locks eyes with Stefan's breaking out of her thoughts suddenly the feeling of the unsureness rushes inside her as well. 

" Thank you for saving and for last night. I've got to find Lucifer, I'm sorry. I have to go." Aurora automatically says, using her magic to change into an outfit, then flashes to where she feels her fiance is at.

Meanwhile in a small apartment, just off the outside of Georgia, Derek/Jonathan flashes inside, feeling rage.

"You said she'd be alone!!!" Derek/ Jonathan yells out breaking a chair and flipping over a desk, as his mind goes wild at the thought his little Alison was right in front of him.  While the real Derek doesn't flinch at the actions however he hides his smirk, thanking whatever god is listening to his prayers that someone was with her.

In truth Derek hated that he had to disguise himself as Alec Hunter, a crescent moon werewolf from the Bayou in New Orleans. He was on a mission to take down Marcel Girard, the supposed King of New Orleans.  That was until he saw Jackson walking inside that cabin holding a girl who was unconscious and seriously injured, that's when all his memories came back to him about Aurora. 

Ever since then he's been secretly following around Aurora/Alison, which gave him many  headaches trying to keep up and understand without being seen. When Derek was leaving the club Alison was in last night after he saw her making out with Stefan, he ran into  Jonathan and soon found himself being held as hostage.

"I was so close, if it wasn't for that Ripper!! Next time I'll be ready indeed." Jonathan says pacing back and forth, planning his next move in his mind. 

Derek however thinks of ways he needs to warn Lucifer. That's if his theory is correct about Aurora's magic being able to forcefully showed her past to people. It would mean Lucifer knows what Derek and Aurora had, what they felt for each other. Surely Lucifer would help right?  

"It won't work, Aurora would know it was you the second you were violent with her. I wouldn't have touched her in such a way." Derek thought to himself, thinking back to Jonathan's little fit he had. 

A/N: Thank you for reading,

Nicholas Hoult as Derek Cooper

Johnny Depp as Charles Kent

Have an wonderful  day.


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