chapter 10

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(A/N: Time skip to after Klaus finds out that his witch friend needs Rebekah. Third person POV)

~ At the storage place where the rest of Klaus Mikaelson siblings are.

While the others are inside, Aurora stood outside where there are no coffins near her.

Aurora could never be near a coffin after that night, It burned in her mind like any other horrific memories she had growing up.

She closed her eyes in enjoying the sun beaming on her pale body, letting the warmth consumer her as the traumatic memory filled her mind.

( A/N: Flash back to young Aurora age 11 years old, year 2023.Third person POV )

~ Inside a coffin.

Young Aurora woke up to her head pounding like a hammer, she soon felt something down in her flower area.

It felt painful. Young Aurora tried to move and soon felt a wall of some kind to her right, she tried to move to the other side and the same thing happened.

Aurora felt the pain stop but soon felt a body on top of her, she couldn't see anything.

" Please stop, please." Young Aurora begged as she felt pounding in her follower spot over and over.

Aurora wanted to scream. Yell for help. The only thing she could do was cry and try to move whoever was on top of her, away from her.

" You like that. Don't you, slut.'' Young Aurora heard a breathless male voice say.

Aurora tried to push this person off her but she soon became unconscious due to the weak state she was already in before this box she's found herself in.

Aurora lost count after 20 people each day she was in there, who touched every body part she had.

Some would answer some of her questions, she had, only if she was a "good girl" for them. They would tell her what the box is really and what it was used for.

Aurora would fall unconscious after the 20th if she's lucky. Some would beat her if she would move too much. Which would make her fall unconscious within the third person.

When she woke up again, she was back in her "room" and made sure to never go back there again.

( A/N: Flashback over, back to the storage.)

Aurora opens her eyes as tears stream down her face, while the painful memory fills her mind.

Aurora let out a shaky breath well more like a quiet sobbing as she wrapped her arms around her chest still being able to feel their touches lunge.

Her soul screams to be heard yet her mind wanted to either shut it off or end it all.

Meanwhile Hope ran out of the storage place feeling Aurora's emotions and became extremely worried about her.

Where as Klaus and Stefan were not far behind her, when they came out of the storage.

They all saw Aurora's body shaking violently as they hear Aurora trying to quiet her sobbing.

Aurora's body looks like she's screaming for help but her sobs are saying to kill her. It broke all their hearts to see her like this.

Hope ran as fast as her legs could and cashed her body against Aurora's giving her twin a bear hug. Hope bagged Aurora's back hitting the wall in the process.

" Fight. Please. Fight." Hope cried out into her twin's neck, while she held onto Aurora tightly.

" Your stronger than the demons, Aurora. Fight this!!" Hope says as thunder rolled in.

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