Chapter 18

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A/N: Alison's outfit is up above and I found the photo of Elle Flemming on Pinterest. I don't own it. Alison's POV

I snap the neck clean off Dr. Crazies body as blood splatters onto my face and my arms. Can't be a kick ass fight without at last my arms covered in dripping blood.

Yet you call the professor crazy as you say. Honestly, is your mind full of disturbing thoughts?

I hear Inadu say in my mind, I actually forgot she was even here. I snorted with a smirk.

"Duh, how else do you expect me to plan my murders? An Etch- sketch?" I say in my mind to her sarcastically.

And what? You know what I don't wanna know. Just get Enzo out of the cell and flash out to Ireland where the group of Traveller's are located. We're almost done, killing the doppelganger curse.

I hear Inadu say as I walk over to Enzo's Cell, stepping over the many now dead bodies and looking at Mr. Handsome.

"Mate." I hear Enzo say slowly as we lock eyes. I melt the Cell bars, creating a huge hole in the center.

Inadu, did you know Enzo is my other soulmate?

I hear Aurora ask in my mind for the first time since I've been up front. Great, now I'll have two back seat drivers and this potential pain in the ass to deal with.

No, I had no idea. I just had this feeling we should...

Go find him. Yeah it's the mate bond pulling us to him, unfortunately we've got Lucifer. So we can't do anything past friendship.

I hear Aurora finish India's thought and proceeds to add her two sentences. I miss my own body, man.

"Can you both bloody shut it? In case you two forgtton I'm in charge, so we'll do whatever I want. Since I agreed to carry out the killing spree Aurora created. Which seems completely pointless, since Mr. Overthink is my soulmate. Ironic since he's dead." I exclaim in my mind. I need a shot of whiskey.

"Mate bond is accepted. I've got five in total. Stefan Salvatore is one of them and Lucifer Morningstar is the other who's also my fiancé. I'm from the future along with my Wonder Twin sister, who's a pain in the ass. Oh and I'm Alison, the darker half of myself. The humanity side is named Aurora Celeste Mikaelson. Inadu is a Witch who I'd combined my magic with her long ago and is another Alter like myself. Feed on the blood or don't, I've some more murders to carry out." I summarize Aurora and Inadu's words to Enzo.

I suppress about 10 different good lines to hit on him with but Thing one and two are yelling in my head to say that statement wonder if there's a silent spell for inner altar voices?

Enzo takes in the information pretty quick as possible and vamp-speeds to the dead bodies, draining out all the blood from them into his own body. I just quietly watch him devour his prey.

He wipes his face from leftover blood and looks at me with such protectiveness. Have these two vampires never been loved, truly? So far Mr. Overthinker has proven he's determination to make sure we somehow eventually end up together. Unsure if Stefan and Lucifer had talked at all, I haven't seen either of them since the Ball.

"I've got a few questions if you're up for some answering, Gorgeous." Enzo says breaking me out of my thoughts and I wave my head to motion for him to continue on as we flash to Ireland where Inadu said we need to go.

"First, what year it is, how are you from the future and where are we?" Enzo asks as he looks around his surroundings, seeing we are in a hotel room. I've got to change before a magical killing takes place, then hit the club's.

"It's October 25th 2010 in this timeline, while in my original timeline where I'm from it's or at least was February 18th 2028. My sister and I jumped into a pile of mud that eats any supernatural creature as well as humans, hoping to kill it. Only to be shot back in time to the end of the year 2009, where our Father tried to kill a powerful witch. Been stuck here ever since." I say as I strip down my clothes in front of him, not really caring. It's just body parts, who cares.

"We are in a hotel room, somewhere in Ireland where a group of  witches are hiding. I just need to kill them, to stop them from cursing unnecessary drama. Now I'll be in the bathroom, don't touch anything. Just sit on the bed and then you'll get washed up after me. " I tell him as I walk past him, seeing his shocked facial expression. I can feel his eyes on me as I open and close the bathroom door.

I smirk once the door is fully closed and hop into the shower, ignoring all the yelling going on inside my head. Did they expect for me to cooperate with them the whole time I'm in control? HA! I'll agree to help out changing the drama for the Mystic Falls gang, but that's it.

After I finished getting ready and all cleaned up, thanks to magic with the new clothes. A little sexy red dress can never go wrong, Enzo then heads into the bathroom to get refreshed once I'd explain this version's modern bathroom features.

After he comes back out, I use my magic to switch the robe he's wearing to a plain black t-shirt that shows off his muscles, light blue jeans with black boots man this area would most likely wear. We head off to the area where the Traveller's are at, I better not regret letting Enzo come along with me.

A/N: Thank you for reading this chapter, hope you all have an amazing day. 


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