chapter 25

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A/N: Aurora's POV

The image of Stefan's body pressed up against mine, regardless that it wasn't mentally or spiritually me but physically it was my body. I still cheated on Lucifer. Do I tell Lucifer? What do I do? I notice I'm back at Klaus's place? Why would Lucifer be here?

"Littlest Moon, I'm so sorry." I suddenly hear Klaus say behind me, I turn around to face him. I see Klaus's dried blood stains and torn up parts of his t-shirt meaning Hope's anger reached its highest level of intake and decide to take it out on Klaus.

"I accept your apology." I say after weighing out the pros and cons, Inadu was right. Klaus truly had no idea, how could he? He'd no idea of my existence, maybe I just overreacted?

"I believe this belongs to you." He says as he hands me back my bracelet.

"Thanks. I'm sorry on behalf of Hope." I tell him gesturing towards the dried-up blood and rips on his shirt as well as arms.

"No. I had it called for, however Lucifer I Believe his name is, has a real good definition of violence." Klaus says turning around to show me his back that's significantly worse than Hope's, the wounds are deeper and slowly healing.

"No, he held back his rage." I say informing him as I lightly touch them, I hear Klaus slightly hiss in pain. Then he slowly turns around to face me again, looking shocked.

"Believe me if he didn't to have real in Hope, he would've done a lot worse." I say suddenly feeling guilty again.

"What is it?" Klaus asks, most likely seeing my sadness, somehow. I look around the room seeing were in Klaus's art room, I do a spell that makes sure no can hear our conversation, human or not.

"Okay if I tell you, you can't Kill, torture or yell as to what I'm about to tell you." I say giving in, as the feeling he's like Hope when wanting to know something and won't take no for an answer. He thinks for a bit weighing out which way this conversation could go if all goes well it's a step into that trusting stage.

Honestly, I think it be better if I talked to an outsider on this. Hope has been against me being with Lucifer since day one, however she knows there isn't anything she can do while the  Saltzman twins are back in my timeline.

"Alright, only if you answer some of my questions with the whole truth not half." Klaus says bargaining with me. I nod my head as he's most likely going to ask about my past, which lets face will most likely stay the same. Motions me to continue.

"My darker half Alison slept with Stefan, meaning I cheated on Lucifer and I'm afraid Lucifer will call off the wedding after everything we've been through." I confess to him as I sat down in the chair by the fireplace.

Most girls wouldn't talk to their dads about this kind of thing but it's not like Klaus and I have a father, daughter relationship like he does with Hope. After the room fill's with silence, I decided it was best to continue.

"Before Hope and I were shot back into the past, I found out apparently I've got five soulmates that have died before I was born. Stefan and a vampire named Enzo are my soulmates that I found while being in the past." I add while in the corner of my eye, I see Klaus sitting down as well and takes in the information. 

Am I sharing too much? Well, it's too late now! I decide to not say anything else till he looks less like he's dead heart might give out. I re-killed a thousand-year-old hybrid vampire, just by the matter of a few sentences.

Great, I'll add that to my resume. Well at least Hope is still the virtue of the family, maybe then he'll burst into a disco ball like Edward Cullen did in New Moon or was it the first movie? Either way I'm in for a long road of silence.

A/N: Thank you for reading this chapter. Have a wonderful day and Happy holidays to everyone.


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