chapter 16

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A/n:  Alison's outfit is up above, Alison POV

I can't believe they bought it! Especially Lucifer and Hope, I thought my cover was blown the minute he slammed me up that tree and locked eyes with me. Oh, how I should have won a Grammy for that performance. Then to top it all off, the rest of the family thought my humanity side came back. I actually had to hold in my laughter, what a bunch of morons.

I can't have anyone knowing I'm a whole body yet, I've just started my chaos. The only way for me to return to my humanity side is if she lets me take control fully willingly, at least that's how I'm assuming.

Granted I do have a theory as to why I've been feeling a new power inside me. Which also means so has Aurora, after all I am an Alter Ego. A separate personality or as others may call it a darker half. Which means everything that I feel, Aurora can feel too, and it works the other way too. We can see what the other one does in visions, just like Josie with her dark side.

Anyways, my theory is what if history has already changed? Meaning my mermaid side is non-existent anymore and the Hollow has combined our magic? It would explain this new feeling of power.

Which is why I'm currently standing in the bathtub. With a sigh I turn on the shower and freezing cold water rains down on me from the shower head.

When ten seconds are up and no tail has appeared, I turn off the shower with a smirk. So we can change these souls further indeed, I start to dry off with the towel. After I finished drying off, I looked at myself in the full length mirror seeing all the scars they did to me, to us.

"Oh my god, sweetheart. You're back, who did that to you?" Rebekah asks behind me as I look over to her in the mirror, whatever happened to knocking before entering a room or in this case rooms?!

"Anti-Magic metal whips and chains. Now those are real fuckers to handle." I say suppressing a smirk as I remember the game Jonathan played with me called; Burn me till I scream. We only played it when I supposedly had been bad but truthfully I think he just enjoyed seeing me suffer.

I turn to face her as I see her eyes widen with sadness looking at my scars, yes they have faded but some you can clearly see.

"Don't give me that look," I say quietly, looking away from her. "Will you get out now so I can get dressed?"

"Yeah. Yeah sure." Rebekah says and leaves.

Thank fucking God. Why must Aurora keep such annoying company? As I look through my clothes, I almost gag as I pick out the most Aurora like outfit I could find.  Once I finish dressing myself, I look in the mirror and I cringe to my core in this whole outfit, why can't her jewelry just be chains like a cool person?  God she such a goodie goodie.

I went over to her make up area and see many kinds of light pinks and pastel color's.  I decide against my better judgement and put thick eyeliner on when I do my makeup. I'll wear the dress, but I'll go to my grave wearing eyeliner if it's the last thing I do. I shrug my shoulders and leave the bedroom. 

Time to practice not punching people in the face when they piss me off.

I go downstairs and I see Suit Man (Elijah)  looking out of the window in the living room, what a moron, go outside dumbass. I try to casually walk past without him caring.

"I believe you're avoiding the inevitable conversation to be had." He says.

"What conversation?" I ask in the sweetest tone I can muster.

"First of all, can you explain to me just what on earth happened earlier?" he asks with an embarrassing amount of confusion. Was he not paying attention? Does he need glasses? Should I call him the easter bunny now?

About 15 comebacks to that stupid question runs through my brain, but none of them sound enough like Aurora to justify saying them out loud. But I also can't not say nothing about the stupidity of that.

So I compromise.

"Well I guess you missed me telling you last night, Suit Man, but my dark side Alison was there. I'll be sure to write some footnotes for you next time." I say sweetly, but also with about a hundred pounds of sarcasm.

"You really are your father's daughter." he mutters.

"No, really? Nobody noticed. I'm sure the whole half DNA thing means nothing." I hear Santa Klaus say as he walks in the room. I hold back my laugh at his sarcasm.

Alright I need to create chaos, let's blow this place up. Maybe I should walk faster to get out of here before Wonder Twin comes into this weird pile of whatever the hell this is.

"Well this is beyond lovely conversion but I've been needed in well anywhere but here." I say as kindly and I flash out of here, just before I hear Hope call out for me.

Well, the other me...

A/N: Thank you for reading this chapter and thank you to Galexy8 for helping me with this chapter.  I hope you all have a great night as well as day. 


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