chapter 21

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A/n: Hope's POV

Lightly I've been seeing visions of Alison's actions, as if I'm living them myself only, I'm unable to speak. I've been trying locator spells with her things, my blood, Dad's blood, everything. Nothing's working. 

Aurora's power has somehow advanced itself more powerful beyond my own.  So, when I could feel her near, I bolted fast out of the Grill leaving Caroline on her own. When I arrived at the mansion, I knew I just missed her.

It's that thought I had, that made me really looked at the scene in front of me, Dad holding Aurora bracelet looking beyond hurt and confused while Damon is all bloody and huge gashes trying to heal itself. Then the melted chains that are still redder than they should be, Jonathan's chains. Oh. My. God. Dad knows Jonathan!!!!

I could feel the disgust and rage building up inside me, I felt my eyes change and I asked Dad what he'd done, only to have no response back. I let out a growl, I can smell the fear in them. Good. Suddenly I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I see Lucifer flashing in the room and look at the scene just like I did. Then we locked our eyes.

"You said you could handle her." Lucifer says, rushing towards me taking my murderous rage for my father and places the attention towards him.

"Are you blaming me? Me?! " I exclaim as I punch him in the face, feeling so many emotions I just want to scream out.

"Yes!!! If you'd just activate your vampire side and make Landon Kirby jump into that bloody Pite. Aurora would be safe!!!" Lucifer says trying to taking a few punches at me.

I dodge his punches and kick him in the lift rib, hard enough for him to be in a crouching position. I then fling him into the wall with my magic.

"You were supposed to talk her out of jumping in with me. " I say defending myself as he cracksthe wall and falls hard onto the ground.

"You didn't see her the way I saw her. It was like Meira died all over again. " Lucifer says he stands up. Wait who?

"There are things about Aurora's past you don't know about. Things you'll never understand." Lucifer says tirelessly.

"So go ahead and hit me but don't take it out on in law One and Fast Anisa. They don't know the whole truth." Lucifer adds as he walked towards me as if he couldn't feel any pain.

My anger and rage are in overdrive as if all my emotions are heightened like a newborn vampire, only mine are the bottled-up emotions. I keep punching and pushing Lucifer as he lets me beat him up, which only makes me madder.

"Fight back." I say with anger.

"Fight back, fight back, fight back," I scream out as I use my magic to slash him then punch him and repeat actions. Suddenly I'm pinned to the ground as I can hear Lizzie and Josie's Hums and soon blackness.

A/n: Third Person POV

Lucifer looks at his two savers, Elizabeth and Josette Saltzman from the future, both looking beyond concern.

"What the hell, did you do?" Elizabeth Saltzman asks Lucifer as he slowly gets off the floor.

While Klaus, Stefan Damon and Rebekah Mikaelson are all standing on the sidelines watching the whole sense in front of them feeling terrified.

A/N: Thank you for reading this chapter, have a wonderful day.


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