Chapter 24

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Hope's POV:

I woke up, my vision swimming violently for a moment, making my stomach churn. When my head cleared, everything from before all hit me at once. A mix of emotions surged through me. Anger, confusion, anxiety. I sat up quickly, looking around. My eyes landed on a pair of familiar faces and a wide grin spread across my face.

"Josie! Lizzie!" I exclaimed, running over to them and throwing my arms around them. "I missed you guys so much! How did you get here? Why did you come?" I asked. "Wait... WHY DID YOU KNOCK ME OUT!?!?" I demanded angrily.

"Because you were trying to kill Lucifer!" both girls said at the same time.

"Yeah, of course I was! What's new!? Why did you stop me?!" I exclaimed. Josie and Lizzie exchanged judgmental looks.

"You realize Aurora would literally hate you if you killed him, right?" Lizzie said, crossing her arms. I opened my mouth to yell something else at her, but found no words. She was right.

Damn it. Why can't I just kill a jackass in peace without needing some moral crisis? I sighed heavily. "Fine." I said, crossing my arms. "Where is he anyway?" I asked, looking around the room and realizing that I was in the Salvatore house.

"In the other room. We didn't want you trying to kill him again when you woke up," Lizzie said. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." I huffed. Anger still boiled in my blood. If I couldn't kill Lucifer, I had to get my anger out somehow. That's when I remembered the realization I'd come to before I was knocked out.

Klaus. That absolute piece of shit, pathetic excuse for a father. I can't believe he knows Johnathan! And is friends with him! He was probably the one that showed him all those horrible things he did to Aurora. My hands curled into fists.

"Is Klaus here?" I asked.

"Um, no. Why?" Josie asked. My eyes snapped up to meet hers.

"Because I have someone to kill," I seethed, storming out of the room. "Lucifer!" I yelled.

"Hey, no! Hope, you can't kill him! We just went over this! You have to think about Aurora!" Josie exclaimed, running after me.

"Oh, trust me. She'd agree with me." I said. "Lucifer!" I opened a nearby door, but the room was empty. "Where is this motherfucker?" I muttered.

"What!?" Josie exclaimed.

"I'm pretty sure Aurora would care," Lizzie chimed in.

"I'm not talking about Lucifer," I said. "Speak of the devil." I finally found the obnoxious prick in the library. He put the book down he was reading quickly and stood up.

"Ok, now don't attack me. Just let me explain-"

"Lucifer." I cut him off. "Do you want to help me kill somebody?" I asked.

"Uhm, is it me?" he asked back.

"No. Klaus. He fucking betrayed Aurora." I said. I saw the immediate change in his face. A scowl formed on his face.

"He what?"

"Yeah, exactly. You coming?" I asked.

"Hell yes," he said, his tone even, but his eyes reflecting a dark anger I'd only seen a few times.

"Excellent. Let's go," I said.

"WHAT?" Josie and Lizzie both yelled at the same time.

"Time out! What is happening? Why do you want to kill Klaus?"

"Because he is friends with the motherfucker that hurt my sister. That's why." I said coldly before storming out of the house, Lucifer following behind. "He showed her no mercy. That's exactly what he'll get back from me."

A/N:  Thank you for reading and thank you to @Galexy8 for helping writing this chapter.       

   I hope you all have a great day. 


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