Chapter 29

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A/N: At the boarding house in the root cellar, Alison's point of view

I look around the room and see a younger version of Alaric, sitting on the bed chained up. While Stefan is standing near him and Klaus stands beside him. Both of them looking right at me as I smirk, I see Stefan's and Klaus's eyes turn concerned. You did ask for my help, I can't be responsible for the injuries that may happen.

"Aurora?" Alaric asks scared. 

"Nope, it's Alison. Now which way shall I go. Less painful or the torchieres way." I say tauntingly as I slowly walk into the cellar.

"What? You are going to beat the answer out of me?' Alaric asks, condescendingly. This man. How did he get to run a bloody school?! I laugh sinisterly, causing all three man to flinch.  Right full so, good to know I haven't last my touch. 

"I mean I could but since, I must deal with Aurora yelling in my head every five minutes to not kill you. I have chosen a separate way." I say, coldly, as I move my hand out words. Unleashing the dead souls. 

Alaric screams in pain as his skin starts to tare open, blood oozing from his wounds. I can hear the souls screaming for more, flash. A way to less their punishments. Within seconds his t-shirt turns into scraps falling onto the ground while his wounds deepen. 

Alaric's chest is covered in his blood with claw marks all over. I smirk down at him, seeing him kneeling while his arms are hung across, looking as if he is somehow being held in place.

"LOCKWOOK CAVE!!!!" Alaric's alter ego yells out in pain, giving in.

Well that did not last long. I'm disappointed he didn't put up much of a fight. This man clearly hasn't learned the phrase 'Die with the information, most valuable' yet. I move my head inwards, pulling the souls back down to the underworld.

"What are you?" Alaric asks, gasping out for air as he clucks into a ball trying to release the pain. I bend down and lift his bloody clawed face, smirking as I see the fear in his eyes.

"I'm the queen of hell." I say, smirking mischievously. I slam his head onto the ground, knocking him unconcise. Then I stand back up and turn to face Klaus and Stefan, seeing the looks of terroir. Especially Klaus's.

"What? I'm a sucker for dramatic endings. Oh relaxing his not dead. " I say, rolling my eyes. A thank you would be nice. I don't get enough front time to deal with these shitheads. Why can't Aurora know more badass people like myself? Life would be significantly tolerable to enjoy.

"Yet, you two seem to think I'm the dramatic one. I believe this should show proof that says otherwise." Inadu says, I turn to face her. Sometimes I love being an alter ego because I'm able to actually see Inadu if I want. While other times like this she makes sure I see her and it's such a buzz kill. 

"Ugh seriously, you are killing my fun time." I tell her, annoyed. I see her smirk.

"You had your fun, now switch."  Inadu says getting restless. I can't blame her she was an agent spirit who was killed by her tribe. Then wanting to take revenge on others but that all changed when I messed up our past events. Suddenly all I see is blackness. 

A/N: Thank you for reading this chapter.
Have a wonderful day. -R

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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