Chapter 14

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(A/N: Aurora POV)

~ In a private room somewhere inside the mansion.

" Okay before you go all She Hulk on me, I talked him because you relapsed." Hope says as I pushed her inside the room and uses my magic to close the door.

" You're tickling Aurora and running away won't solve anything. " Hope adds.

Well she's half right, let's show her mistakes, shall we?

Allison echoes inside my head, knowing the battle for control is storming inside me. However I push my dark side even further down, I growl out.

" Don't you think I know this, Hope. How isn't this affecting you huh?" I ask her, rather annoyed with everything right now.

" Because I found my peace with how things turned out, after I met you.  You are my peace." Hope says, calmly and truthful.

Yeah, right. Jonathan said the same thing and he ended up getting us shoved in a coffin after I choseed to be with Lucifer. Let me out and I'll see for myself if what she says is true.

My dark side spoke loudly inside my head making each word echoed. Soon I saw myself standing right where Hope was?

(A/N: Aurora's dark side Also known as 'Alison ' her outfit is up above)

We both know I'm powerful, hell I'm more powerful than the old mighty tribrid. I know just how to end this, let me take control.

My dark side smirked at me, almost like I know I'm breaking.

Sweetheart, we've been broken since the age of four.

" Wow, you really are emotionally unstable and I know Lizzie Seltzman." I say in a matter of fact tone.

That may be true but after all I'm Klaus Mikaelson's fuck up daughter.

My dark side spoke as they smirked.

" It's Hope Mikaelson's sister not him. I'm Aurora Celeste Mikelson, twin sister to Hope Mikaelson. I'm her sister and always will be not you. " I say with a glowed as I could feel an new sense of power fill my body.

It's feels as if I finally feel whole no darkness inside me, but how?

Really, well Ms Hope's sister. Game on.

Alison specks as she holds a devilish smirk, then flashes out. Suddenly I see Hope looking deeply concerned at me?

" What? You are looking at me like, I've gone off the bend as The Hatter himself. " I say, hoping nothing happened and everything is somewhat good.

" Right because your eyes always turn black as a raven and your hands glow black and blue." Hope replies back with sarcasm in her voice.

Just when I'm about to reply, I hear the door open and I turn to see Santa Klaus walks in look right at me, like he's about to blow. It reminds me of the time I told Hope I'm getting married, I didn't end up seeing her for a week.

Oh please don't tell me Lucifer told him.

" Over my dead pile of ashes, you're getting married!!!" Santa Klaus exclaims as he closes the door behind, looking rather mixed emotions.  

" Deja vu." I hear Hope say amused behind me, I could practically feel her smirking.

" Not helping." I mind linked to Hope, yet already knowing what her response will be.

" You know you love me." Hope says though our Mind-Link, I then broke off the connection. 

" It's not you're decision. I'm engaged in my timeline which you aren't there, so really you have no say. Air go your rage isn't an issue and you can't kill Lucifer his a God." I say, logically.  I have more pressing matters to indoor at the moment. 

" I wouldn't be so angry at your son in law, he's the one who helped keep me alive before I met Hope, so I'd be grateful for if I where you." I advised Klaus in my matter of fact tone, which seems to anger him even more? 

Like heaven am I letting him play the Father role to me, one I don't know him well. Two if any one gets the parenting role it's Lucifer and Hope. They went to hell and back for me, they earned those titles.  

" Well you're in the past, which is the president for me. It also means that technically you don't exist yet, so in this contacts I actually do get a say and my answer is no." Klaus fires back, a bit impressed with my reply but tries to cover it up.  The eyes are what gives his emotions away. 

" Dad, just give in. Believe me, I spent hours trying to convince her otherwise, if I can't no one can." Hope speaks for the first time since Klaus walked in.

" I don't care, no. You're too young and you've got your whole eternity to worry about marriage." Klaus says trying to reason somewhat without having to exclaim his response. 

" Again not your decision to make!!! " I exclaim at him feel a rather unpleasant emotion but I can't seem to name this feeling.

" This is not an debate Aurora!!!" Klaus exclaims back, in rage.

" Enough both of you!!" Hope speaks loudly, gaining Klaus attention as I turn my body to face Hope. 

" We can have this conversation another time, right now we are at a ball and for all the insanity I have left for tonight, shut the hell up!!" Hope says calmly then grabs my arm and pulls me out with her, leaving Klaus.

What a thicko, this guy. I can bloody marry whoever I choose to tie the knot with.

A/N:. Thank you for reading this chapter. 973 words for this chapter, I'm sorry it's not a long chapter. I hope you all have an amazing day.


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