chapter 28

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A/N: A few weeks later, Aurora's outfit is up above. Aurora's Point of view

"Aurora, can we please stay on track. We need to get back to our timeline." I hear Josie say, while I look at myself in the mirror adjusting my outfit.

"Jo, ever heard of Fashion? Aurora those shoes don't go with that outfit, wear some heels." I hear Lizzie says while I could feel Hope's emotions go from board to annoyed

"Can we go back to you two somehow went back in time? I'm still trying to understand whole thing. " I hear Hope say as I turn around to face them.

"Lizzie started to have flashes of Hope, while I kept having you, Aurora. It wasn't till, Lis and I were held up to a tree, by a monster. We found out who you two were, then said monster knocked us out." Josie explains to us.

"Then, poof we are back in time. " Josie adds as if her head is going miles a second but her words are coming out slowly. I see someone is thinking too hard and not spilling enough information.

"So everything is pretty much the same, got it." I say, walking out of the room, needing something to eat and I know Josie won't fess up what else she knows by asking her. Josie will say it when her brain can finish processing.

"The Necromancer, it has to be." Inadu says in my head as I walk downstairs and head towards the kitchen.

I take in Inadu's somewhat theory, I mean he is somewhat a Witch that brings things back from the dead. It could mean he can also place people back in time, however why Lizzie and Josie?

They are two Siphoner that could turn into Heretics if one of them were to die, which dose have it's advantageous in a battle setting.

"Shouldn't we be focusing on, how to end the other side. Since back in our time line it doesn't exist." I hear Alison say, in my head.

" That's probably been the most sane thing I've heard you say, since we've been in here." I hear Inadu comment, sounding a little sarcastic.

I walk into the kitchen and start making blueberry waffles.

"Didn't Alaric say something about Siles? Or was it Styles?" I hear Alison ask, dismissing Inadu's somewhat nice compliment.

"Styles? I don't think someone willingly leaves a name like that, for a reputation so diabolical." Inadu says as I laugh at her comment, while I mix the batter and get the cooking process ready.

"Says the woman who, called herself: The Hollow." Alison says, sarcastically.

"What's so wrong about that?!? It's way better than Styles! At least mine is more creative!" Inadu exclaims, sounding completely done with Alison sarcasm. While I start cooking the waffles and slowly sip my water.

" Ding ding ding! Around over! Inadu 1, Alison 0!" I say in my head as I could feel their eyes rolling in annoyance.

"Aurora?" I hear Klaus ask me, causing me to jump and turn around to face him.

"Hi! um, h-how are you?" I ask a little stunned but trying to compose myself.

"I'm good. I need your help with a task." Klaus says, trying to prolong whatever he needs my help with. Intriguing, my curiosity.

" I need you to bring out Alison so I can try and find the white oak stack, that Alaric's darker half hid." Klaus adds, finally getting to the point.

A/N: Alison's Point of view.

I look at Klaus smirking darkly.

"Where is Bourbon drinker, being held?" I ask him casually, while I can see his mind wanting to take back even asking. Too late dude.

"Root cellar at the Salvatore boarding house." Klaus answers me unsure how to say anything else. Good he's terrified of me. I head towards the Salvatore boarding house as I could hear Klaus fallow after me, I can finally kick Alaric Saltzman's ass.

A/N: Thank you for reading this chapter, have a wonderful day.


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